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Gamer's choice
ROG Strix Z490-A Gaming motherboard is the perfect choice for building an effective rig.
ESTONIA 08/01/2020WięcejEinfold
9.2 out of 10
High Quality Component
SINGAPORE 07/26/2020WięcejTechtesters.eu
Nevertheless, for most PC builds the Z490-A has enough features to connect everything to, VRMs thick enough to handle an i9 10900K for safe daily overclocks, and you likely don't want to pay more than the 289 euro that this motherboard costs.
NETHERLANDS 05/20/2020WięcejDonanimhaber.com
Türkiye 05/21/2020Więcejwww.ddworld.cz
DD´s Recommended
For an even solid price, this board has the necessary processing, but also still very good equipment with everything you need. It also adds to today's conditions of ASUS boards with a slightly different look, which I quite like. Of course, ASUS and its product cannot assume that Intel's new platform is what it is, ASUS has done its best.
CZECH REPUBLIC 06/26/2020Więcejwww.iycloud.eu
Gamer's choice
ROG Strix Z490-A Gaming motherboard is the perfect choice for building an effective rig.
ESTONIA 08/01/2020Więcej
Recenzje wideo
Great outlook, new feature so useful, ready for new intel new generation 10
Z490 Mainboard , which was born with the 10th generation Intel Core i on the LGA1200 Socket. For this model, it will be a ROG STRIX that provides full features for Gamer with support for future upgrades for a long time.
Recenzje w mediach
(3)The ASUS ROG Maximus XII Hero (Wi-Fi) for 449 euros is the pinnacle of an over-complete and well-developed motherboard for the real enthusiast.
Computer! Totaal
NETHERLANDS 11/03/2020Więcej...the pinnacle of an over-complete and well-developed motherboard for the real enthusiast.
NETHERLANDS 11/20/2020Więcej以往玩家在組裝電腦時都需要東奔西跑尋找適合的零組件信仰,這次的 ROG Strix Helios White Edition 潮競白電競主機雖然並未實際在通路販售整機套裝,但玩家可以依照這次介紹的機種為藍本,參考我們配置並打造屬於自己的白色信仰主機。 另一方面,全白設計外觀在電競文化中一眾非黑即紅的世界裡也格外吸睛,簡約外觀搭配整套白色電競零組件,讓整台主機非常有一致性,再搭配 RGB 燈效的輔助下顯露出低調的華麗! 高階處理器和顯示卡滿足玩家打 Game 需求,內建 1TB NVMe PCIe SSD 兼顧容量和讀寫速度、16GB DDR4 記憶體對一般主流遊戲算是剛剛好, 850W 金牌電供應付遊戲或是創作者相關的不同高壓環境也沒問題。 想打造出一台發揮信仰和效能的電競主機,參考這台 ROG Strix Helios 潮境白水冷電競主機配置會是一個滿不錯的方向,論外觀有外觀、論效能也有效能!
TAIWAN 10/20/2020Więcej