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  • Eteknix

    Extreme Performance Award

    If thermals are what you are worried about, this is a clear winner in our eyes!

    UNITED KINGDOM 03/17/2021
  • Macclipper

    9 out of 10

    cool quiet running solid monster card

    SINGAPORE 04/01/2021
  • Einfold

    9.1 out of 10

    The ASUS ROG STRIX Radeon RX 6700 XT OC is AMD’s third true performance-segment graphics card in one years since the RX 5700 series.

    SINGAPORE 04/01/2021


    With the ASUS ROG STRIX RX 6700 XT O12G Gaming, the buyer gets a high-quality processed mid-range graphics card with a future-proof 12 GB RAM, an excellent cooling solution and a very good gaming performance at Full HD and WQHD.

    GERMANY 07/05/2021
  • Hardware Cooking

    Gold Award

    Speaking of temperatures, the ones we measured are excellent because we picked only a 63°C peak on the GPU during our 45 minutes OCCT GPU 3D stress test.

    FRANCE 05/23/2021
  • GinjFo

    4 stars out of 5

    It has got very premium equipment with two fan profiles included, metal backighting, a very nice design, a strong and nice build quality ! It is probably one of the most high-end Radeon RX 6700 XT on the market. A safe bet.

    FRANCE 03/17/2021

    Editor's Choice

    ...thick looks, beautiful RGB, great performance and a complete feature set with dual bios and extra headers: the ultimate or Editor's Choice of the RX 6700 XT.

    NETHERLANDS 04/27/2021
  • TweakTown

    TweakTown Editor's Choice

    Incredible thermal performance, and you can crank every single OC slider to the max!

    AUSTRALIA 04/01/2021

Video Reviews

  • .. And if you want to buy a RX 6700 XT, this(ROG Strix Radeon RX 6700 XT OC) is the one to go for.

  • Beating the RTX 3070 with 12 GB? Review summary of the AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT

  • ROG Strix Radeon 6700 XT vs. Geforce RTX 3070

  • The best Graphics Card for QHD gaming ?

  • We mentioned that the card has 3 fans, the left and right fans turn to the left and the middle fan to the right. ASUS's goal here is to reduce turbulence, and it really works. The firm has done a nice cooling.

  • Although it is not a card with very low TDP values, the temperature values ​​were really great. The reason of this is the perfect cooling system.

  • The card looks gorgeous, the execution is top notch.

  • I really liked the 6700XT performed by ASUS.

  • I have to admit, I was convinced by the ROG Strix RADEON RX 6700XT at first glance.

  • Viewed through AXE awards, this model deserves pure AXE Diamond award.

Media Reviews

  • ROG作為至高無上的電競信仰之一,其用心與組件用料是絲毫不必擔心的,光是信仰之眼拿出來,就足以讓人敗家(誤),也因此讓ROG系列產品幾乎出現即秒殺,更何況是香氣四溢的AMD與ROG聯手所打造的ROG STRIX RX 6700 XT OC 12G GAMING,在雙重信仰的加持之下,即使是跪求女朋友,也要將卡拿下來啊!

    PC DIY!

    TAIWAN 05/31/2021
  • We do fancy the STRIX very much, it's just an elegant, perhaps even totally-over-engineered graphics card for the Radeon RX 6700 XT series of products.


    NETHERLANDS 03/17/2021
  • ROG Strix Radeon RX 6700 XT OC Edition 對於 1080p 和 2K 有高刷新率需求的使用者來說是個不錯的選擇,相對前代的主流顯示卡 Radeon RX 5700 XT 進步相當大。


    TAIWAN 04/12/2021
  • 整體來說這一世代可以看到華碩在 ROG Strix 的 AMD 卡上用上了與 N 卡相同的設計語彙,玩家可以買到算是信仰滿滿的顯卡,相信會因此有更多 ROG 粉更願印因此選擇 AMD 卡入手。整體外觀設計不用多說,一直以來 ROG Strix 上都是走耐看的設計,但這次看到的是更有侵略性的風格,相信能符合更多玩家的口味。


    TAIWAN 03/17/2021
  • This graphic card has a very clear goal: the best mainstream GPU for gaming in Full HD at a high refresh rate.

    Toms Hardware Italy

    ITALY 08/10/2021
  • We mentioned that the card has 3 fans, the left and right fans turn to the left and the middle fan to the right. ASUS's goal here is to reduce turbulence, and it really works. The firm has done a nice cooling.

    Türkiye 03/17/2021
  • In general, the video card performed well. Considering that it belongs to the advanced ROG Strix lineup, here you will find nice additional bonuses like dual BIOS, fancy backlighting and headers for connecting case fans.


    UKRAINE 05/14/2021