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The best choice
ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX - это одно из самых лучших решений на рынке, так как помимо очевидных плюсов она имеет самого главног минуса – высокого шума при работе
RUSSIA 02/21/2021Большеwww.overclockers.ru
Tested by overclockers.ru
ROG Strix Scope RX - отличная клавиатура, ориентированная на игры. В игровых приложениях она ведет себя замечательно и доставляет удовольствие от процесса.
RUSSIA 01/18/2021Большеwww.tehnovosti.ru
Product of the month
Игровая клавиатура ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX является одной из самых лучших моделей, представленных сегодня на рынке
RUSSIA 12/14/2020Большеwww.greentechreviews.ru
Editor`s choice
ASUS ROG STRIX Scope RX — чрезвычайно интересная клавиатура с продвинутой технической и стильной визуальной составляющими.
RUSSIA 11/12/2020БольшеEteknix
Editor's Choice
Great build quality, stylish aesthetics and rock-solid build quality are what make this keyboard worthy of the investment.
UNITED KINGDOM 12/04/2020Большеigorslab.de
Recommended Buy
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX with the red switches definitely gets a buy recommendation from me!
GERMANY 10/25/2021Большеpcgameshardware.de
Price/Performance Recommendation
Asus gives the new edition of the ROG Strix Scope a USB port and optical key switches with a great typing feel.
GERMANY 07/12/2021Большеhardwareinside.de
With the Asus ROG Strix Scope RX, the buyer gets a very well-made slim keyboard with the new Asus ROG RX RED switches and built-in USB hub. The new mounting system and good key feel won't let the user down when typing or gaming. FPS gamers can also enjoy a fast response time and a wide CTRL key.
GERMANY 04/05/2021Больше
The ROG boasts the Strix Scope RX, the first mechanical RGB keyboard for gaming with exclusive ROG RX red optical mechanical switches.
Видеообзор от канала Welson
Видеообзор от канала Pro Девайсы
A very high-end and versatile gaming setup for Mohammed who is both a gamer and a architecture student.
Their best gaming keyboard ever !
I can see everything that is happening on screen !
MamaJess' gaming setup just got a brand-new makeover from ASUS Republic of Gamers! Check out her unboxing of the entire collection 😎
Do you love your gaming gear like Nyan Yan does? If not, it's time to buy ROG gear and syok together 🥳
Need somewhere to spend your duit raya? Laphel presents 4 new products in under 4 minutes - see, nice, BUY! ;)
The Asus ROG Srtix Scope RX comes with a super-fast Optical Mechanical Switch and I was very impressed at the performance and sound it made!
Asus ROG Strix Scope RX RGB Gaming Keyboard Review
Upgraded Gaming setup with ASUS ROG
這次感謝ASUS Malaysia提供了一系列ROG電競外設產品作為開箱分享。礙於時間的關係,這次就只和各位進行簡約的開箱與產品規格分享。日後會從中挑選一款產品為其做更詳細的評測。
Upgrading my gaming setup after a long time, come check out these peripherals from ASUS ROG!
這次感謝ASUS Malaysia提供了一系列ROG電競外設產品作為開箱分享。礙於時間的關係,這次就只和各位進行簡約的開箱與產品規格分享。日後會從中挑選一款產品為其做更詳細的評測。
Pemilihan Keyboard tidak semestinya melihat reka bentuk,perlu juga dititik beratkan tentang keselesaan, jenis switch yang digunakan.Kali ni saya gunakan sebuah keyboard premium dari Asus.Jom Kita Review
Pemilihan Keyboard tidak semestinya melihat reka bentuk,perlu juga dititik beratkan tentang keselesaan, jenis switch yang digunakan.Kali ni saya gunakan sebuah keyboard premium dari Asus.Jom Kita Review
I have used many keyboards with red switches but ROG Strix Scope RX is something else. It has a premium feeling
Considering all the good things, it comes at a more than reasonable price.
Great keyboard at a more than reasonable price.
【本集產品:ROG 自有軸超線性手感 ROG Strix Scope RX】 說到自有軸,你知道 ROG 自己找軸廠合作了 ROG RX Red 光軸開關,這超線性的手感,怎麼欲迎還拒,就讓我用 ROG Strix Scope RX 說給你聽~
Optical Mechanical Switch ini menarik.!
Keyboard Optical paling Stabil untuk adu Combo! | ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX
ROG Strix Scope RX!! Keyboard Gaming terbaik buat Gamer FPS!!
NYAMAN BANGET! Nyoba Keyboard Gaming Terbaru ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX
Keyboard Gaming? NO.. Switch Gaming.. YES!! | ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX
Inilah ROG Strix Scope RX, keyboard pertama dari Asus ROG dengan RX Red Switchnya yang udah optical, sebagus apakah keyboard yang satu ini? Langsung ditonton aja reviewnya.
Bomman rescue theanh96 on radiant with Asus Switch Rog Rx keyboard
Catching Mr. Giaoheo do something | Review Gaming Asus Rog Strix Scope RX
ROG's best gaming mechanical key will look like this #Shorts
Mechanical keyboard for lazy gamer! Review ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX
Double the control for? - In the hand of terrible ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX
Asus gaming mechanical keyboard will succeed with this switch?! ROG STRIX SCOPE RX
Review Switch ROG RX
05 gaming mechanical keyboard is no longer overprice!?
Combo Mouse key "peak" ROG house "how fast and smooth" | Cellphones
The new gaming keyboard with ROG switches design support FPS Ctrl 2X Wider
I'm excited because I've been dreaming of doing a collaboration with Asus for years and we're finally here! Today we will assemble my new computer for the one million special. I can't wait then to try this ORG Wingwall, I think I'm one of the first to try it and it looks super cool.
The keyboard you were looking for has everything you need!
Highest quality product!
Together with the switch structure developed by ASUS, the switch can stand in a very solid way and offer us a more powerful feel compared to normal mechanics. Overall, I really like this four-zone grip on this keyboard structure of the product.
The ROG Strix Scope RX is waiting for you especially when it comes to FPS, it is one of the best options on the market right now. In both keycap and overall construction, the Scope RX is a long-lasting option that will not let you down for years.
Thanks to the hollow square body design, stabilizer and four feet, it is ensured that the key feels like a consistent keystroke even when you press the key from a different point.
You will be very surprised when you see the unique switches used especially in new player equipments.
If you ask if you would take these equipments to your home and use them, yes, I would take these models home and use them.
In general, the ROG Strix Scope RX optical mechanical switches, large Ctrl section, privacy features and a full-size keyboard allow it to be used as actively as a mechanical keyboard, but also silently, in many games, especially FPS.
Considering the features, RX switches and ergonomic structure, it's a pretty good gaming keyboard.
Very high quality stabilizers, LEDs in the corner, multimedia buttons and scroll wheel - that's what I would want in every keyboard. I liked the Claymore a bit more, but the price point is more for the connoisseur. I liked the ROG Strix Scope RX the most, which also has water spill resistance and again, solid stabilizers and very good workmanship as well as a price to match.
ASUS ROG SCOPE RX - Gaming keyboard
Video review from the channel Stiupidmadworld
The review from the channel stupidmadworld
Video review from the channel ROG CIS
the review from the channel STARLINECOMP
The review from the channel Uldons TV
Video review from the Kntent channel
(22)We’ve reviewed the Asus ROG Claymore II and Strix Scope RX mechanical keyboards, and both of them have one thing in common: they feature Asus’ very own ROG RX optical switches. Surprisingly enough, these switches are actually quite good, even in comparison to aftermarket switches in the enthusiast keyboard scene.
MALAYSIA 06/23/2021БольшеROG STRIX Scope RX качественно собрана, соответствует заявленным характеристикам, ярко и красиво светит
RUSSIA 06/28/2021БольшеASUS Strix Scope RX – качественная игровая клавиатура из серии ROG, что уже подразумевает отличную сборку и грамотный дизайн с эргономикой
RUSSIA 03/15/2021БольшеASUS ROG Strix Scope RX унаследовала все преимущества серии в виде красивой внешности, хорошей эргономики и неплохой функциональности
RUSSIA 03/28/2021БольшеASUS ROG Strix Scope RX - качественная клавиатура с очень быстрыми переключателями а также очень гибкой и удобной настройки как с ПО, так и и без него
RUSSIA 04/14/2021БольшеThe greatest draw here, however, is their wobble-free effect. With traditional keys, there’s often keystroke wobble and inconsistency when force is exerted on different parts of the keycap, but that won’t be an issue for the RX Red switches. Their square stems keep the pressure equally distributed throughout, allowing for consistent, firm keystrokes across all areas when pressed.
Geek Culture
SINGAPORE 09/28/2022БольшеBeyond its great and elegant design, we really fell in love with this keyboard. Thanks to its new RX RED switches from Asus. The experience is very soft and the Rog Strix Scope RX shows it is up to the task for any usage scenario.
FRANCE 01/11/2021Больше...the keyboard is fully customizable when using Armoury Crate software. [...] Simply put : it is impossible to find a better deal, without paying a whole lot more.
Jeux Actu
FRANCE 03/01/2021Больше
筆者認為,搭載 ROG RX 紅軸的 ROG Strix Scope RX 並非原封不動的把玩家習慣的長行程低彈簧磅數的 MX 紅軸復刻到光軸技術,而是提供近似但迥異的輸入手感,相較典型紅軸的觸發回饋更快,同時也像筆者輸入姿勢並不正確的使用者,也不會因為輸入觸點不在鍵帽正中央而有不同區域不同的阻力,主要輸入區的打字阻力更為一致。
ROG製作電競鍵盤已行之多年,現在終於把觸手伸向自有軸的開發,並在傳統的紅軸上做了根本性的改良,無論是鍵擊反應或是反饋,RX的光學機械紅軸都將紅軸帶向了另外一個次元,加上ROG一貫的科技感與肌肉流線設計,並輔以能夠自訂RGB的Aura系統,加上ROG耕耘多年的電競經驗作為調整,相信能讓喜好電競的玩家們對RX愛不釋手。 至於使用體驗感這部分,ROG Strix Scope RX的飽滿鍵擊聲,不會打亂玩家與遊戲之間的節奏感,然而不僅僅只符合電競需求,小編認為,以其低噪音的音量表現,其實拿去辦公打字用也頗合適。
採用自有 ROG RX 軸體後,這把 ROG STRIX SCOPE RX 鍵盤的確在敲擊手感上有很大的不同,直上直下的線性按壓力道的確帶給玩家在用力敲擊時,有種『一鍵到底』的爽快感受,明快且穩定的反應不管在玩遊戲或是打字輸入時,都會讓人上癮。55 gf 的總按壓力道在機械鍵盤中也屬於較輕的設定,『輕快、好打』是 ROG STRIX SCOPE RX 在使用時的主要感受。
Mobile 01
使用 ROG RX Red 自有軸的 ROG Strix Scope RX,第一感相似於 Cherry MX Red 軸,但是按壓與回彈確實有些差異,而且鍵帽確實有相對平穩的感受。就像電影台詞「……手起刀落手起刀落手起刀落……」那樣,敲擊鍵盤可謂俐落、讓人感到愉悅,有機會的話不妨也試試!
綜觀而言,ROG Strix Scope RX 實際使用的按壓手感確實非常穩定且滑順,如果原本已習慣同為無段落 Cherry MX 紅軸手感的朋友可能需要一些些時間調適,但它的穩定性是傳統 Cherry MX 軸無法達成的,而且還支援 IP56 防塵防水(可防猛烈噴水),有興趣的朋友不妨試試。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX" Gaming Keyboard for the Win Review
Mynavi news
Kekurangannya mungkin minimnya kostumisasi keycaps pada keyboard ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX ini. Karena rata-rata keycaps keyboard mekanik yang ada menggunakan switch Cherry MX yang kostumisasinya melimpah. Konsekuensi lain ketika menggunakna keyboard gaming ini adalah dari warna hitam yang dimilikinya, karena setiap keycaps-nya dapat meninggalkan bercak minyak sehingga akan mudah terlihat dan membuat warna hitamnya menjadi belang.
Demikianlah review lengkap mengenai keyboard gaming mechanical Asus Rog Strix Scope. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat bagimu serta menambah wawasan kamu mengenai dunia teknologi terutama mengenai gadget dan teknologi terbaru yang merupakan sebuah keharusan di era masa kini.
Ada harga, ada kualitas. Inilah yang bisa saya simpulkan setelah mencoba ASUS ROG Strix Scope RX. Harga dari ROG Strix Scope RX dipatok sekitar Rp 1,8 juta. Fitur yang dimiliki oleh keyboard ini menurut saya lebih dari cukup untuk memanjakan gamer. Teknologi ROG RX Red Optical Mechanical Switch membuat pengalaman saya saat memainkan game menjadi memuaskan.
play cubic
In gaming, a further and very recent evolution of mechanical switches is represented by optical-mechanical switches, which offer additional advantages for the gamer: the precision is even higher and, above all, there is greater stability and consistency in pressure. Furthermore, this type of switch is able to further reduce input lag under certain conditions of use as input transmission is practically instantaneous. An example of optical-mechanical switches are those made by ASUS
Together with the switch structure developed by ASUS, the switch can stand in a very solid way and offer us a more powerful feel compared to normal mechanics. Overall, I really like this four-zone grip on this keyboard structure of the product.
The ROG Strix Scope RX is waiting for you especially when it comes to FPS, it is one of the best options on the market right now. In both keycap and overall construction, the Scope RX is a long-lasting option that will not let you down for years.
Chip Online
A keyboard that someone thought about. It does not try to play on the design, extravagant gadgets that just get in the way. Instead, it stands out with precise feedback from the keys, a traditional layout and customizable backlighting and key functions. All together form a functional whole, ideal for distributing usage from 70% in games and 30% for work.
The mechanical functionality itself – I can't call the course any other word than soft. The pressing process is linear, but with more resistance than standard mechanical switches. Impression. It's hard to describe from both writing and playing, po but it took a few days to get used to it switches to order more than linear Cherry MX Red switches.