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ROG Destrier Ergo 電競椅
ROG Destrier Ergo電競椅是一款具電馭風格、未來感十足並可極致調整的人體工學電競椅,配有多功能座椅調節提供完美坐姿。特殊手遊模式扶手設計、及可拆式隔音屏可避免外部干擾並提供身歷其境的遊戲體驗。
- 電馭設計美學:外部骨架設計可為任何遊戲設備增添未來主義風格。
- 人椅合一,完美適應:極彈性的調整,為遊戲提供最佳支撐和舒適度。
- 為手遊而生:特殊扶手設計可升高達 14 公分,提供玩家手機遊戲的理想高度,而且扶手可以 360°全幅旋轉。
- 低噪音、沈浸感:可拆式隔音屏可減少干擾,並在頭部周圍創造類似環繞音效的聲學空間。
- 優質打造:採用堅固的鋁合金框架、透氣的網狀材質和舒適的 PU 泡綿製成,提供卓越的支撐性和舒適感。
ASUS ROG DESTRIER, Gamer and Ergo seat, it does BOTH
Review Ergonomic Gaming Chair ROG DESTRIER SL400 ERGO with futuristic cyborg aesthetic for Mobile Gaming
The chair is a very expensive product, but I tried to justify the price by evaluating the features with alternatives on the market. The ergonomic features of this chair are outstanding and are not found on the market at this price.
This is an expensive accessory for gamers who are immersed in this industry. In any case, the chair definitely adds comfort.
This is a premium quality gaming chair with a super vibrant design. And because of the functional armrests, this is an extremely interesting chair for fans of mobile gaming.
Very unusual, really a lot of settings, but directly for very rich gamers.