ROG Herculx EVA-02 Edition
ROG Herculx EVA-02 Edition 是一款堅固可靠的顯示卡支撐架,即便是最強大的顯示卡也能穩固支撐,並提供易於使用的設計和高相容性。主要特點包含:
- 支撐架設計相容於各種機殼,並且不佔用 PCIe 插槽。
- 提供 72-128mm 支撐高度,具備堅固且可調整的設計。
- 可調整滾輪與調降按鈕,能免工具的輕鬆安裝和拆除。
- 搭載氣泡水平儀可簡化設定。
- 內嵌 3D ARGB 元素相容於 Aura Sync。
Pilot your own limited edition 3XS EVA02 Powered by ASUS unit and fight against the Angels alongside Asuka Langeley.
ASUS ROG Eva-02 Evangelion Full Build
The EVA-02 Fantasy PC!
An Evangelion Gaming PC for €6800
We're back with Mathis and Gauthier from French Hardware to build a full ASUS configuration on the EVANGELION theme. The brand recently released the EVA-02 collection, featuring top-of-the-range components that make it possible to build an absolutely insane machine, and we show you everything!
This time around it really feels like they just went all-out.
PC Gaming more than 100 million ROG x EVANGELION: Huge power from Intel Core i9 14900K and RTX 4090
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