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ROG Strix Scope II RX 電競鍵盤
ROG Strix Scope II RX 電競鍵盤具備預潤 ROG RX 光學軸、IP57 防水、消音矽膠墊、 PBT 二色成型鍵帽、直播快捷鍵、多功能控制鍵、三種傾斜角度及手托
- ROG RX 光軸:預潤 RX 紅軸及 RX 青軸具備中央 LED 燈校 ,提供穩定不晃動且瞬時回饋的鍵擊體驗
- IP57 等級:防水防塵,持久耐用
- 快捷鍵:F1–F5 鍵已預先設定為適用於 Xbox Game Bar 和錄製功能的快捷鍵
- 直觀的控制介面:多功能按鈕和多媒體滾輪可用於媒體播放、音量及鍵盤燈光效果
- 消音矽膠墊:獨特的內建消音矽膠墊可減少敲擊聲與回音,提供無與倫比的打字體驗
- PBT:耐用的 ROG PBT 二色成型鍵帽提供優異的手感以及抗打油*
- 獨特 ROG 主題空白鍵:帶有特殊 ROG 標記和三個底部 RGB LED 的 UV 塗層空白鍵
- 人體工學設計:三種傾斜角度和可拆卸式手托
* 鍵帽材質依據販售地區而有不同
Anyway, I'm really excited about it, I think it looks super sleek.
Extra feature yang ada dekat Asus ROG Strix SCope II RX ini patut ada dekat semua keyboard.
ASUS ROG has not only achieved a muffled sonority with a metal casing, but has also equipped this ROG Strix Scope II RX with every basic feature desired by any user.
ROG STRIX SCOPE II RX, a keyboard that's all-around, whether you're playing games or working.
ASUS ROG Gamepass PC Build RTX 4070 I5 13600 Z690 XkoGuru
This PC does NOT have cables ****
The Scope II is a good successor to the original Scope keyboard and we believe that it will achieve good success in the market.
Due to its performance, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope II RX earned the AX Best Buy in Class as well as the Advanced Design award.
An excellent keyboard, with even better switches, with a quality that can be envied by many manufacturers of similar keyboards.
Great keyboard for the money.