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  • XFastest


    隨著 AMD 推出第 2 代 Ryzen 處理器,華碩亦推出新一代 X470 晶片組的「ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO(C7H)」主機板,不僅加入一體式 I/O 背板、雙 M.2 與散熱片等新功能,整體外觀設計維持不變,但給予更充足的 I/O 擴充,更將 Ryzen CPU 與 X470 所提供之 I/O 全數用盡毫不保留,給予 AMD 玩家更強悍的多核心運算性能。

    TAIWAN 06/12/2018


  • In summary, the ASUS Prime X570-PRO and the ROG Crosshair VIII Hero Wi-Fi motherboards deserve the performance and design awards from us for their high performance and powerful design.

  • A gaming motherboard that perfectly responds to your gaming needs. Along with the perfect Overclocking support, whether it's simple tuning or fine tuning, this motherboard is ready to deliver maximum performance.