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Essence Articles
On the whole, whether it is color matching or design, there are people who feel the classics from EVANGELION.
TAIWAN 06/27/2022Thêm
Video review
ASUS ROG Strix Helios EVA Edition - Ai là fan phải chơi liền mới được!!! #Short
PC Hơn 100 Củ Full Rog Strix #shorts #satisfying #satisfyingvideo #oddlysatisfying
ROG actually went all out and made it possible to create an entire gaming setup.
Likes are not expensive! ROG EVA EDITION, complete set, brutal, complete machine
Powerful computer ROGxEVA, is this a robot or a computer?
It was a pleasure to assemble the system in this case, because all the edges of the surfaces are well processed and the cable management is thought out to the smallest detail.
The video review from the channel Adaliatta
The review from the channel stupidmadworld
The review from the channel TECHNOGAMING
Video review from the channel StupidmadWorld
Media review
PC Watch
JAPAN 08/02/2022ThêmReview of ROG x EVANGELION, the theme of the EVA-01 model, the best of the collabs.
Commart Thailand
THAILAND 07/04/2022ThêmASUS ROG recently launched the ROG x Evangelion series, an exclusive collection that synthesises an extensive collaboration centred around EVA-01, the flagship mecha of the world-renowned manga and anime series. This is a limited and special edition, packed with numerous items, all carefully and finely customised, all as eye-catching as they are unique.
ITALY 08/18/2022Thêm