PC Mod: Phantom Noir - Using Sabertooth P67

While we don't normally put Sabertooth stuff on ROG (this is that 10% we mentioned before), when we do, we'll always make sure it'll be something you guys want to see!

PC mods are a real labor of love that takes serious effort to plan and construct, and if you love your mods neat and minimalist - 23RO_UK and his NZXT Phantom definitely has the answer!

At its heart is the ASUS Sabertooth P67, using the Thermal Armour to fluidly mix it into a stealthy watercooled black and white themed case design. Check out the finished result below (and more on page 4):


We've copied some of the worklog pictures and eye candy here, but for the full run-down and background, checkout the bit-tech project log. In the meantime, if you also spot any ROG mods or are doing one yourself - drop us a note in our case modding forum! The best ones will be featured on our front page (with makers permission, of course).

Phantom Noir Project Log

From the top: one NZXT Phantom:


Now stripped of its sides and plastics:

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The first watercooling parts include the two radiators and a Koolance pump-reservoir combo:


The Phobya radiators with Bitspower barbs and?polished plates on top:

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How all three go into the front of the case: that's pretty much a perfect fit!


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Measuring out the foam to isolate the mounting bracket from the case. This reduces the transferred vibration from the pump.


Final measurements before cutting the base to mount everything. Remember the golden rule: measure twice so you only need to cut once!

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How about this for something different - an internal facing fan controller. Let's see how that turns out..

Internal facing fan controller

Next the CPU pipes get plugged in with shutoff valves mid-way up.

CPU pipes get plumbed in

With clips mounted on the motherboard tray, this keeps the dark tubing neat.

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Sabertooth P67 and the CPU block all plumbed in

Component fitting to check the space, then onto cable tidying:

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Cable tidy!

That's better! Did you notice the internally mounted bay covers and fan controller?

All fitted but still some work to go

Sabertooth Thermalradar

Stealthing the side panel of the 5.25in bays and PSU:

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The finished result:

Front on shot after everything is nicely stealthed

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And in the dark, it looks even better thanks to the white LED fans:

Eye Candy Time!

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Thanks 23RO_UK for your awesome mod!?

Let us know your thoughts in the forums.