ROG Aura Terminal

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ROG Aura Terminal

Four-port addressable RGB controller with ROG Halo and Aura Sync

  • ROG Halo: Enables ambient RGB synchronization to reflect in-game action when LED strips are mounted behind the monitor
  • Synchronize lighting with Aura Sync addressable gear for stunning PC gaming illumination
  • Illuminated ROG logo: Four built-in Aura lighting effects

ROG Aura Terminal builds on the foundation of our Aura ecosystem, giving you all the outputs needed to deck out your battlestation with ambient addressable RGB lighting. The included Halo software takes things a step further with a dynamic lighting effect that extends your screen to draw you deeper into the game. Give it a shot, you won't look back.

What is ROG Aura Terminal?

Featuring four independently controllable addressable RGB headers*, ROG Aura Terminal lets you synchronize colors and lighting effects with other Aura-enabled gear, or enjoy lighting that reacts to onscreen action for an enthralling gaming experience.

* Each channel supports up to 90 LEDs per channel and 210 LEDs in total, equivalent to a maximum of 4.2 meters of addressable LED strips.

Aura Terminal
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Power button
    Micro USB 2.0 port
    12/19V DC input

  • 4x addressable RGB channels
    (2 per side)

  • Backlit ROG logo

  • Rubber feet
    4 mounting holes(compatible with standard 2.5” SSD mounting brackets)

Attention to detail

Featuring a black, brushed aluminum finish, and a subtle backlit logo, the Aura Terminal is crafted to look good wherever it's mounted.

The Terminal is configurable to any of the following lighting modes when used as a standalone product.

  • Static Static
  • Breathing Breathing
  • Color cycle Color cycle
  • Off Off

The next level of immersion

Halo raises the bar by intelligently casting RGB lighting effects into the room when you're playing games or watching movies. The added backlighting extends your display and reduces the glare of high-contrast scenes, brilliantly mimicking on-screen color to fill your field of vision.



* Halo cannot analyze content that uses HDCP encryption.

Auto-detects letterboxed scenes and ensures Halo is properly detecting the content.

How Does Halo Work?

Halo analyzes content directly from a computer or laptop with a discrete graphics processor* to determine the average color value for different areas of the screen, then replicates it by controlling the corresponding LEDs on attached RGB lighting strips.

*Please refer to the recommend system configuration on the specifications page


Addressable LED strip on the back of a monitor

Segments of the screen analyzed by Halo

How to Use Halo

The UI is designed to be simple and intuitive to use. Settings are arranged step-by-step from top to bottom.

  • Adjust display and logo settings

  • Support for multiple ROG Aura Terminals

  • Calibrate the headers with the corresponding strips

  • Support for multiple monitors

  • Select the video ratio or set to Auto mode for easy detection

  • Match strip orientation with the direction of screen analysis, and customize the lit LEDs

Choose the ROG logo lighting effects on the surface of ROG Aura Terminal ─ or switch it off for a stealth look

Simple and Scalable

ROG Aura Terminal is adaptable and scalable: daisy chain* and attach strips to match the rear edges of your display, and map them with Halo.

  • STEP 1

    Connect each addressable RGB strip to an extension cable, then plug it into ROG Aura Terminal.

  • STEP 2

    Attach the strips to the back of your monitor.

  • STEP 3

    Use the Halo software to configure the LED strips.

* To avoid differences in color reproduction, opt for LED strips from the same manufacturer. For more details, please check the FAQ section.

Versatile illumination

ROG Aura Terminal can be installed inside the PC or on the desk, extending options to personalize your living space with the full gamut of colors and effects. This flexibility makes the Terminal central to creating a cohesive visual theme across your entire system or for making small or big-screen gaming more immersive.

ASUS Aura ecosystem
Aura Terminal ASUS AURA SYNC

Outshine the competition

Use the Terminal to upgrade your system with a range of Aura Sync products. Then, easily sync connected devices via the Aura software.

*Learn more about ASUS Aura Sync.

Kunden Reviews

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