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  • gamezoom.net

    Buying Recommendation

    top technology, peak measuring values, high-quality components and a very long warranty period. Of course, all protective circuits and a quiet semi-passive cooling concept are also included.

    GERMANY 11/23/2020

Video Reviews

  • How to WISELY PICK your PC GAMER power supply in 2023!

  • I BUILD the ULTIMATE AMD PC at 3500€ !

  • Build PC GAMER ROG Full White Powered by ASUS à 5000 €

  • Dominate WARZONE, THE Gaming PC Configuration to WIN. 🎁🎁🎁

  • 【自作PC】美しすぎるケースとオールホワイトのパーツで白いPCを組む【ASUS|i5 13600K|RTX3060】

  • 【自作PC】美しすぎるケースとオールホワイトのパーツで白いPCを組む【ASUS|i5 13600K|RTX3060】

  • 【自作PC】デザイン最高な真っ白のゲーミングPCを作りたい

  • The white theme solution by ASUS component.

  • Assemble a computer for 160,000THB, the best with ASUS GEFORCE RTX 3080

  • new computer set white Strong specs can play every game.

  • The block is excellent, I have no complaints about it. There is enough power even for a pair of top-end views.

Medien Reviews

  • [Build] PC GAMER ROG White Powered by ASUS

    Pause Hardware

    FRANCE 03/26/2023
  • 新ケースで魅せる白ゲーミングPC、コスパと見た目の両立を考える


    JAPAN 04/08/2023
  • 性能も見た目も欲張りたい!涼しげでホワイトなPCを作ってみた

    PC Watch

    JAPAN 08/03/2023