What's ROG playing this week?

Here at the Republic of Gamers, we don’t just build the best products to play on. We spend a lot of time playing games ourselves. This has been especially true lately, so we’ve decided to share some of our recent gaming experiences from around the virtual office. We’ll be sharing these experiences from various members of the ROG staff regularly, so keep checking back to see what we’re playing each month.


Ada Lam - Press Relations Team

adaI recently started playing Fallout 4. The allure of the Fallout franchise, for me, is the rich story and crafting system. I like how it weaves each faction’s stories together, and as you side with one, you really see how history unfolds in their perspective. The NPCs add so much color to the game. I’m only at the beginning, but I’ve already met one of the traveling merchants, Trashcan Carla. It’s a fun nod from the devs to acknowledge that players treat merchants as a junk dump.

I’m definitely a cap hoarder, but in this game, I’m going to use my caps to help me really take advantage of the crafting system. Even though I’m only at level 5, I’ve managed to find enough materials to alter my pistol to a powerful close-range weapon, and I’ve outfitted my rifle with a scope and long-range barrel. I’m a stealth player, so I can’t wait to get Gun Nut 2–it opens up silencers as a craftable mod I can fit on my existing weapons. It’s invigorating to know that I can play the game in my preferred playstyle without slumming the first 10 levels as a general shooter while waiting for the appropriate weapon. Go crafting!

Another thing I really like about Fallout 4 is the perk chart. Having everything laid out visually made it easy for me to plan my build. I also enjoy the Vault Boy animations–definitely iconic, always comical, instantly recognizable. Maybe Bethesda will release an emoji pack featuring the Vault Boy?

Eric Born - Content Marketing

ericBig changes just came out for Subnautica: Below Zero, an early access game being developed by Unknown Worlds, and I just had to load it up this week to check out the rework to the game’s main storyline and get a feel for how the new temperature system feels in action.

I was introduced to the first Subnautica when I was browsing Twitch one day. As luck would have it, the Epic Games Store offered this title as a free giveaway only a couple months later, and I jumped on the opportunity. I’m not exaggerating when I call it one of the best gaming experiences of my life. The fantasy of a life underwater, the deep crafting system, a storyline that you discover organically, the growing realization of just how far down the ocean goes and what horrors await at the bottom—all of these elements combine in a way that’s truly special.

I’m not ordinarily one to jump on board an early access train, but when Subnautica: Below Zero was announced, I didn’t hesitate. Since I hadn’t paid anything for the first title, I appreciated an opportunity to support the studio as they developed the sequel. The new arctic zone is, if anything, more alien and haunting than the tropical waters of the original, and I’m excited to see where it goes. Below Zero’s initial storyline was a bit too much of a departure from the original’s, though. It failed to develop that anxiety of being isolated on an alien world, and the various biomes felt too safe as a result. I’m beyond impressed that Unknown Worlds not only recognized this problem, but was willing to delay development in order to go back to the drawing board and try again.

The future of this series looks bright. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to dodging squidsharks in freezing arctic waters. Wish me luck!

Chris Barr - Content Marketing

chrisGaming means a lot of different things to me, but lately it’s been a way of getting outside of my house and exploring new worlds, if only virtually. Half-Life: Alyx came out at a very opportune time, and I’ve spent a lot of time playing it off and on since its release.

I’ve been a fan of first-person shooters since the days of the original DOOM, so the Half-Life series has always been a favorite of mine. While the premise and gameplay might seem like more of the same, Half-Life: Alyx is easily the most engaging and immersive installment in the franchise. From the moment you first put on the gravity gloves, the entire way you play an FPS changes. Suddenly, you can pull objects towards you like a Jedi by simply extending your arm and flicking your wrist back. You’re also freed from the tangles of a mouse for aiming, as you quite literally just point your controller at a target and pull the trigger. And don’t get me started on all the fun things you can throw at your enemies.

While combat is one of the more exciting (and sometimes exhausting) parts of the game, I’ve spent far more time simply exploring the various locations throughout City 17 and interacting with everything that I possibly can. There are plenty of items, secrets, and Easter eggs to be found if you’re willing to take the time, and I’m determined to find them all.

Perhaps the best part of Half-Life: Alyx for me has been the unique feeling of having actually visited a completely different location despite staying safe indoors. This is true of a lot of VR experiences, but in this particular case, it’s a lot more like visiting an old familiar location from my childhood. And some days that’s exactly the sort of thing we need.