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Tohle je moje nový PC od ASUS! Konečně důstojná mašina na WOWko ❤️
HANZ a BENDER mi staví PC za 100 000 ale rozbili ho...
Myš je tak lehká, že když Asus poslal krabičku, vypadalo to, že v ní nic není.
Myš je z mého pohledu lepší než ultraweight než od Logitechu. Za mě je to tedy nejlepší myš co jsme doposud testoval a také spolupráce s Aimlab vám skutečně dobře nastaví hodnoty myši do 5. profilu paměti myši.
Tentokrát jsem otestoval žhavou novinku od společnosti ASUS. Je to ultralehká bezdrátová myš ROG Harpe specializovaná pro esportové hry. Ještě aby ne, byla vyvíjena ve spolupráci se společností AimLab.
The difference between the ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition and the two times more expensive Artisan mousepad is pretty minimal
ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition Unboxing (ASMR) #shorts
Great overall package
These could be my new favourite ROG products.
I WAS CHALLENGED to PLAY Mouse Keyboard again after 5 years and a half of playing with a controller! ⌨️🖱️
HOW TO GET BETTER at FPS with an app (Harpe ACE Mouse by Asus ROG x AIM Lab)
Dominate WARZONE, THE Gaming PC Configuration to WIN. 🎁🎁🎁
Today we are going to install some cool peripherals and something extra.
【最強】ROGがAim Labと作ったゲーミングマウスがヤバい!圧倒的軽さと握り心地でメインマウス待ったなし!【ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition】
【真相解明】FPSガチ勢向けのゲーミングデバイスを初心者が使ってみる【ASUS ROG ACE】
ASUSの”本気”ゲーミングデバイスで揃えたらヤバかった【ROG ACEシリーズ】
【 ROG ACE SERIES 】本気で勝つためのゲーミングデバイスが登場したぞ...!
【超軽量54g】ASUS ROGとAim Labが作ったE-Sports向け、新しいゲーミングマウスとゲーミングキーボードを使ってみた【ROG Ace】【自作PC】
【軽量54g】ROGが本気で作ったEsports向ゲーミングデバイス / ROG ACE
ASUS ROG Harpe Ace レビュー / つかみ持ち特化?Aim Labプロと共同開発した54グラムのワイヤレスマウス
【潜入】ASUS ROG 初のE-Sportsコレクション「ACE SERIES」発表会に行ってきた【自作PC】
【ASUS本気出しすぎて草】エイムの世界記録保持者が作った最強ゲーミングデバイスが発売されました。 [ROG Harpe Ace/Horn Ace AimLab Edition]
Build PC 250 Million Full Configuration of ROG STRIX | Intel i9-14900K & RTX 4090
Gaming Mouse AimLab Accurate response with ROG Aimpoint 36,000 dpi and Mouse Pad crosshair onscreen
Gaming Mouse AimLab Accurate response with ROG Aimpoint 36,000 dpi and Mouse Pad crosshair onscreen
The New ROG Gaming Gear Good design and Accurate response
Among the strengths of the ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition are its light weight and, on a quality level, its solidity. In fact, the build quality is fantastic and the shape is also well thought out. The level of this mouse is definitely high. The only negative note is the high price.
If you play competitive FPS games and prefer light mice, you can easily choose Asus ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse and ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse pad.
This markup here is designed to estimate hand movements when controlling a mouse to improve accuracy
The mouse moves very fast on this carpet, and if you like this type of "speed" surface, you'll love it
The gaming surface of the ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition complements the manipulator well. It has a large area, a hybrid smooth fabric surface for quick movement and control of the manipulator. And the presence of a protective nano-coating and high-quality finished edges will allow the rug to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time.
The most powerful keyboard in the world + fastest mouse / Rog Harpe Ace + Rog Azoth
With Harpe Ace you will quickly become a great player. We haven't forgotten the excellent Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse pad, which is large, resistant to liquids and dust, offers excellent feedback and adheres well to the pad.
Видеообзор от канала ASUS ROG CIS
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
Video review from the channel Starlinecomp
Video review from the channel Starlinecomp
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
Video review from the channel Warkey
While the mouse walks away with the highest AX award, the pad earned the AX Advanced Design award.