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(2)Great Lobbyist
TotalTech Recommended Product
The Asus ROG Clavis DAC is an external device for advanced users, which offers a great compatibility with gaming and mobile devices with excellent audio performance and good noise isolation.
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 12/29/2021MoreFunduk.ua
5 stars
The ROG Clavis is one of the smallest and most useful gadgets a gamer can buy. And at the same time, one of the best external DACs, not only in the gaming segment, but in general among external audio devices. And the only thing that can stop you is cost.
UKRAINE 11/29/2021More
Video Reviews
Review Gaming Headset Hi-Res ROG Cetra II Core 3.5 mm Support Smartphone/ PC ROG Clavis Gaming Dac Hi-Res Suport MQA
Definitely deserves the attention of e-sportsmen and in the long term will even save money on the purchase of special gaming headphones
Media Reviews
(5)有了 ROG Clavis 的加持,除了能夠大幅提升你我電腦或是智慧型裝的音效細節,對於頭戴式耳機的驅動力也有大幅提升的效果,讓低頻更加飽滿,瞬間的爆發力顯著提升,無論是流行音樂的低頻衝擊性,或是交響樂的大鼓也能爆棚,讓您省下買耳機擴大機的費用!
TAIWAN 06/25/2021MoreROG Clavis 值得稱許的地方則在於音質相當乾淨,縱使是搭配平衡電樞式的入耳式耳機也不太有因為電路隔離不良產生的粗噪聲底,這類的干擾聲也是不少平價微型 DAC 搭配靈敏度較高的耳機時的痛點。
TAIWAN 07/01/2021More音效上,個人覺得 ROG Clavis 的分音更佳清晰,人聲與樂器聲可分的更有層次,而且音量較小時也不會有底噪的煩惱
TAIWAN 07/20/2021More整體來說,ROG Clavis 音效卡對於 3.5mm 耳機的音質提升可說是非常顯著,畢竟內部搭載的是高階擴大器,同時外觀上也非常對 ROG 粉絲的味,鋁合金質感搭配圖騰視覺化風格,直接對應 ROG 潮牌形象,推薦給本就是 ROG 粉絲的玩家,或是想要輕鬆幫原本 3.5mm 耳機提升音質的玩家。
TAIWAN 07/20/2021MorePortable DAC for a non-compromises audio
ITALY 09/30/2021More