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ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint
El ligero ratón gaming RGB ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint de 75 gramos cuenta con un sensor óptico ROG AimPoint de 36.000 dpi, conectividad tri-mode, tecnología inalámbrica ROG SpeedNova, interruptores de ratón intercambiables, ROG Micro Switches, botones PBT, ROG Paracord, pies de ratón 100% PTFE, cinco botones programables, cinta de agarre de ratón ROG.
- Precisión perfecta: sensor óptico ROG AimPoint de 36 000 DPI con 650 IPS y una tasa de aceleración de 50 g, además de una tasa de sondeo de 1000 Hz.
- Tres modos de conectividad: juega con las luces RGB durante hasta 119 horas con el modo RF de 2,4 GHz con una latencia verdaderamente, empareja hasta tres dispositivos con el modo Bluetooth® o conecta el ratón con el cable USB.
- Tecnología inalámbrica ROG SpeedNova: ofrece un rendimiento inalámbrico fiable y de baja latencia y una solución de potencia optimizada en el modo RF de 2,4 GHz.
- Estructura ligera: el diseño actualizado con una estructura interna duradera mantiene el peso del ratón en solo 75 gramos.
- Zócalo de interruptor de ajuste a presión II: el Keris AimPoint cuenta con un diseño de interruptor intercambiable para personalizarlo con facilidad e incluye microinterruptores ROG. Asimismo, es compatible con otros microinterruptores mecánicos de 3 pines y ópticos de 5 pines.
- Botones I/D de PBT: presentan una superficie antideslizante duradera que resiste el desgaste y el deslizamiento para garantizar un tacto uniforme.
- Cinta de agarre antideslizante para ratón con patrón ROG: proporciona a los usuarios un agarre más seguro y un toque de elegancia.
- Movimientos rápidos y fluidos: ROG Paracord y patas de ratón de PTFE al 100 %.
- También está disponible en Moonlight White.
Reviews en vídeo
Es uno de los ratones más completos que han pasado por la redacción.
If you are not someone that really cares too much about having the lightest mouse, then defnitely consider the ROG Gladius III Wireless Aimpoint and ROG Keris Wireless Aimpoint.
Build PC GAMER ROG Full White Powered by ASUS à 5000 €
In this video, I take a look at the best wireless ROG gaming setup! The ROG Cetra True Wireless, ROG Keris Wireless Aimpoint, and the ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe
The ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint gaming mouse has the same ROG design but is updated and feels more refined. The Aimpoint sensor is exciting and a step in the right direction too!
Should you buy Asus Rog Keris Wireless Aimpoint for more than 1 million more expensive?
Playing good games need to buy "expensive mouse"?
This mouse has a strong point that few gaming mice have - Review Asus Rog Keris Aimpoint
Review ROG Gladius III Wireless & Keris Wireless Upgrade ROG AimPoint OPTICAL SENSOR
Gaming Mouse upgrade Accurate response with ROG Aimpoint 36,000 dpi
This is an excellent mouse whose attractive design, precision and light weight have rightfully earned it a more than deserved place of honor in its price range.
ASUS unboxing
ASUS unboxing
In fact, when we reviewed the previous version of the mouse, I was already looking at it, but it has significantly better characteristics. This mouse was "sold" to me not by some killer feature, but by a combination of all sorts of interesting things.
Asus ROG Keris AimPoint has many good additional features that can be used even without installing additional software. This makes using the mouse difficult and makes it ideal for both amateurs and professionals.
Personally, I think the updates in these mice are very timely and necessary. If you need a smaller size and more versatility - Keris is for you.
Review | ROG Keris Wireless Aimpoint
Rog Strix IIII III and Keris Wireless Aimpointgames
ROG GAMING MICE - 3 Ultimate
Preview 3 professional giming mouse
The review from the channel HDTanel (score 8/10)
There are even three-mode connections, ROG SpeedNova wireless technology, replaceable switches, ROG micro switches (switches), PBT buttons, ROG Paracord, 100% FE feet, five programmable keys, as well as a ROG mouse strap.