ROG SWIFT PG32UQX NVIDIA® G-SYNC® 專業電競螢幕 – 32 吋 4K UHD (3840 x 2160)、144 Hz、IPS、 Mini LED背光 、動態局部調光、量子點技術、 DisplayHDR™ 1400
- 32 吋 4K (3840 x 2160) Mini LED 螢幕,具備 144 Hz 更新率,專為專業電競玩家設計
- G-SYNC ULTIMATE 採用最新 NVIDIA G-SYNC 處理器,可提供最佳 HDR 遊戲體驗
- 全陣列分區控光(FALD) 背光提供 1,152 個獨立區域LED亮度,及通過 DisplayHDR 1400 認證的 1,400 nits峰值亮度
- 量子點顯示技術搭配98% DCI-P3 廣色域,可提供逼真的色彩和更滑順的漸層
- 螢幕下邊框內建 LiveDash* OLED 小螢幕,可選擇顯示自訂圖示或系統資訊,例如 CPU 溫度、GPU 資訊等
Video review from the channel HDTanel Rating of 9 out of 10
A Monitor From The Future
Unbox an ASUS ROG SWIFT PG32UQX | 4K 144Hz VESA HDR 1400 is totally breathtaking
3500€ for a 4k 32" gaming monitor ?! in that respect it really is a product that is groundbreaking in that sense.
I have no doubt that this is simply the most impressive immersion style gaming monitor that money can buy right now.
Best Gaming Monitors of 2021: 1440p, 4K, Ultrawide, 1080p, HDR and Budget Choices
Best 4K Gaming Monitors, 2021 Edition
Siapa Game of the Year 2021? Pengumuman Pemenang KotakGame Awards 2021
What will the combo "end game" nearly 200 million full rog look like?
When you play the game out! - Gaming LCD 100 million for specialized people! - Asus Rog Swift PG32UQX
The HDR monitor provides very good image density. The price is the only negative note because it is very high. however, Asus offers other excellent products at lower prices.
The HDR experience it offers while watching and playing content shows very well what HDR is really all about. You experience this really well on DisplayHDR 1000 and above screens.
Video review from the channel TheTanelChannel Rating of 9 out of 10
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
Video review from the channel Uldons TV
Video review from the channel Konsumer