以 ROG SLASH 時尚有型的設計語言探索新次元。ROG SLASH 以耐用且防水的材質製成,專為敢於挑戰常規的人士打造,創造屬於您的電競時尚。
ROG SLASH,以視覺化的 </ROG> 作為標誌,展現電競精神與潮流態度的融合。每一行的程式碼創造了數位世界中的一切。
由於 </> 代表執行一行代碼所需的第一個動作,我們結合斜線符號與此系列的原創 ROG 標誌,作為 ROG 電競時尚的起點。
ROG SLASH 的紅紫色和電藍色的靈感源於經典的紅色和藍色電競錦標賽配色,這兩個重新混合的色調將重現競賽精神。我們深入遊戲玩家的世界,結合編碼與賽博龐克 (Cyberpunk) 元素,連結電子競技和街頭潮流時尚。透過 ROG SLASH,您可以在虛擬世界和真實世界間來回切換。
</Roam two realities>
Our digital avatars are a reflection of ourselves. It's how we explore who we are, try on new personas, and interact with like-minded people. The digital generation was born into both these worlds, living a binary existence bridging virtual and analog spaces.ROG SLASH is a conduit for that duality, bringing cyberspace influences into our physical world. With bold colors and a cyberpunk aesthetic, ROG SLASH brings pieces of your digital persona into the real.
ROG is proud to launch the first esports fashion collection. We have always stood at the pinnacle of gaming, and this continues with ROG SLASH as the first hack to the system. Like the lines of code that draw gamers into virtual worlds, ROG SLASH breaks down the firewall between fashion and gamer culture. You can also be fearless in taking our products with you anywhere. Made from premium materials, ROG SLASH is durable and ready for anything. eSports and gaming no longer need to exist solely behind a screen. Reconstruct your world with the duality of ROG SLASH.
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