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ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless
Keyboard gaming nirkabel ROG Strix Scope II 96 dengan konektivitas tri-mode, hotkey streamer, kontrol multifungsi, switch mekanis ROG NX Snow & Storm yang dapat ditukar-pasang dan berpelumas, stabilizer keyboard ROG, keycaps PBT doubleshot, dan busa peredam silikon, tiga sudut kemiringan, dan wrist rest
- Tata letak 96%: Hadirkan semua tombol fungsi dan angka dalam tata letak lebih ringkas dan efisien yang hemat ruang meja dengan form factor hanya 1 cm lebih lebar dibanding keyboard 80% standar
- Konektivitas tri-mode: Terhubung melalui Bluetooth (hingga tiga perangkat), frekuensi 2,4 GHz dengan teknologi nirkabel ROG SpeedNova (daya tahan baterai hingga 1500 jam), atau USB berkabel
- Switch tukar-pasang:Switch linier NX Snow yang berpelumas dan switch clicky ROG NX Storm dengan desain walled stem meningkatkan stabilitas keystroke serta menghadirkan akustik yang luar biasa
- Busa peredam suara dengan bantalan peredam switch:Busa peredam terintegrasi yang unik dengan struktur bantalan peredam switch dapat menyerap suara dengung dan gema untuk meningkatkan akustik keystroke
- Pengalaman mengetik lebih baik: Stabilizer keyboard berpelumas menghasilkan sedikit gesekan untuk menghadirkan keystroke yang lebih mulus dan stabilitas tombol yang lebih lama; keycap doubleshot ROG PBT yang tahan lama atau keycap ABS yang dilapisi UV memberikan kesan premium dan tahan terhadap kilau cahaya*
- Tombol pintas: Tombol F1 & F5 telah diprogram sebagai tombol pintas untuk Xbox Game Bar dan perekaman
- Kontrol intuitif:Tombol multi-fungsi dan multiwheel berfungsi untuk pemutaran media, volume, dan pencahayaan keyboard
- ROG Omni Receiver: Hubungkan ke beberapa perangkat yang didukung secara nirkabel dengan satu receiver
- Tombol spasi unik bertema ROG:Spasi berlapis UV dengan logo ROG khusus serta tiga LED RGB di bagian bawah
- Desain ergonomis:Tiga posisi kemiringan dan wrist rest yang dapat dilepas
*bahan keycap dapat berbeda di setiap wilayah
Video Reviews
So Asus just made their BEST Wireless gaming keyboard, but is it really that good? They sent me one to test. Here are the results.
I've found the perfect keyboard for me!
Anyway, I'm really excited about it, I think it looks super sleek.
While we were at Computex 2023, we managed to drop by Asus' booth for the Asus ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard; yes, it's a mouthful. Nonetheless, we tried out the keyboard briefly at the trade show, and we're quite impressed with the overall refinement of the Strix Scope II.
This is one of the best wireless gaming mechanical keyboards that I've tried with a numpad.
a full-format mechanical keyboard with a premium design and sublime experience
This Asus Keyboard Is Really Delicious:! Asus Rog Strix Scope II 96 Wireless Review
Asus ROG is leading the Gaming Custom key trend in big brands? | Strix Scope II 96 Wireless
In the hands of the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless, Switch NX Snow
How good will ROG's custom mechanical keyboard be? #shorts #rog
[Review A -Z] Asus Rog has caught up with the Custom - Delicious key trend | ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless
An overall gaming keyboard that UpStat has. I must say that once you use it, you'll be hooked!!
My setup is all ASUS ROG and includes a build enclosed in the ROG Hyperion GR701 case, the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard, the fantastic ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mat, the lightweight ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse, the ROG Falchion ace mini keyboard and the Rog Gladius III mouse.
One of my favourite features of ASUS keyboards are the snow switches, they are a hybrid between a mechanical keyboard and a membrane keyboard in terms of noise. I had the chance to try the ROG STRIX SCOPE II 96 keyboards, they are wireless keyboards with a 96 layout. The level of materials is really high, as with every ASUS product I have tested.
The keyboard is very cool. First of all, I liked the typing - thanks to the two sound-absorbing layers and the candles themselves - they are lubricated, the stabilizers are lubricated. Everything here is done as it should be - well done, ASUS!
This keyboard is created for gamers who value their efficiency and accuracy in gaming sessions, as well as for professionals who require the highest level of performance and comfort while working on a PC.
We can unreservedly recommend the ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless to anyone looking for a premium all-in-one keyboard for a variety of purposes, but not willing to overpay for it
Unboxing the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless premium keyboard
Best gaming keyboard of the year?! ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless!
HANZ and BENDER are building me a PC for 100,000 but they broke it...
Review Asus ROG Strix Scope II 96 with NX Snow Switches | Full-featured compact gaming keyboard
This PC does NOT have cables ****
ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless
A bunch of coolers for your processors! A 96 mechanical keyboard ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless
The best keyboard from ASUS - ROG Scope II 96
What actually excels the most in our opinion is the comfort of long-term work and the quiet mechanical switches with a great feel. That's why we recommend her!
Видеообзор от канала ASUS ROG CIS
Strix Scope II 96 Wireless comes with hot-swappable coated ROG NX Snow & Storm mechanical switches and a unique design with silicone cushioning foam that has built-in cushioning pads for the switches, providing a great typing experience.
So to sum it up - this is the so-called 96% format, squeezed into 80% of keyboards, so it's only a little wider than the TKL model, and at the same time it has a full numeric part. It brings probably the best gaming switches on the market, factory lubricated with a complete sound dampening system.
As such, it earned the AXetraordinary as well as the Advanced Design award.
Recently, I had the opportunity to test two keyboards that started that price segment of around 100 euros, the Redragon and Fantech models, this keyboard seems miles away in terms of quality.