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Per i gamer è fondamentale ottimizzare la connessione per non avere problemi durante le sessioni di gioco. Ci sono tanti trucchi per migliorare la connessione per il gaming, da quelli semplici a quelli più complessi ma in molti casi c'è bisogno di un valido supporto che può essere fornito dai router ROG RAPTURE AX6000 e dai ROG RAPTURE GT6.
Per tutti coloro che vogliono estendere il segnale Wi-Fi in casa o in giardino non basta un Wi-Fi extender da pochi euro. Si creeranno infatti dei colli di bottiglia enormi. Quindi, la soluzione non è prendere tanti extender ma puntare a un sistema Wi-Fi Mesh come l’ASUS ROG RAPTURE AX6000 e i GT6 per avere il massimo della velocità anche a distanze siderali (come ad esempio in giardino).
WLAN performance on a TOP level, without question a high-end level. With 802.11ax wave2, the system is state-of-the-art. 2.5 GBit interfaces on the WAN and LAN side is a novelty and future-proof.
I build a 5000€ Gaming PC !
Enjoy ultra-wide coverage and fast transfer rate with 150 Mbps from 15m away. Up to 650 Mbps on the same floor from the wireless router. Double if you are using 4×4 connection devices. And enjoy lovely and attractive RGB lighting effects. Yes, this is what Asus ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 can do. The best WiFi 6 dual-band gaming router from Asus yet…
Still craving for heavenly speeds?😉 How about allowing Momoko to introduce you to the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 😍
One of the best wifi routers that I personally tested.
Upgrading my Wi-Fi to ROG Rapture GT-AX6000
【WiFIルーター】2.5GbEポート搭載の高速ゲーミングWiFiルーター ASUS ROG RAPTURE GT-AX6000
【ラグ解消!880MゲーミングWi-Fiルーター】ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 レビュー 【ゲーム・投資にWi-Fiルーターおすすめ】
We hosted this monster, which supports 17 devices from a single center and enables us to receive high-efficiency fiber performance.
ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is great both in terms of design and performance. Also it performs great when it comes to eliminate the internet problems of household, business and e-sports players.
How do you cover huge areas up to the neighbours in the village? Asus' expandable routers and Aimesh's explanation.
ROG Rapture AX6000 speed unboxing
RT-Ax6000 is the best router for professional games
Satellite rifles from Asus
Building a smart games room - Part #1
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS