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ROG Strix Flare II Animate
ROG Strix Flare II Animateゲーミングメカニカルキーボード - カスタマイズ可能なAniMe Matrix™ LEDディスプレイ、8000Hzポーリングレート、ROG NXメカニカルスイッチ、交換可能なスイッチ、メタルメディアコントロール、ライトディフューザー付きリストレスト
- AniMe Matrix™ LEDディスプレイ:カスタマイズ可能な画像やアニメーションで、自分らしさを個性的に表現
- スタイリッシュで人間工学に基づいたデザイン:ライトディフューザー付き着脱式リストレスト
- 直感的な操作:専用のメディアコントロールとボリュームコントロールをキーボードの左上に配置
- 瞬時に反応:8000Hzのポーリングレートに対応、主要なゲーミングキーボードより最大8倍の0.125msの高速応答を実現
- 独自のROG NXメカニカルスイッチ:ゼロに近いデバウンス遅延でブレのない安定したキーストロークを実現
ROG NXメカニカルスイッチの詳細はこちら - スワップ可能なスイッチ:お好みのスイッチを取り付けて、自分好みにカスタマイズ
- ROG PBTダブルショットのキーキャップ:耐久性に優れたキーキャップには、キーの揺れを軽減するミッドハイトプロファイル、短めのステムと半透明のROGスクリプトを採用
ROGダブルショット、キーキャップセットの詳細はこちら - ROGスイッチスタビライザー:長いキーのために特別に設計されており、スムーズなキーストロークと安定性を確保
- 音響効果を向上:消音フォームを内蔵することで操作音や反響を吸収
- 便利な接続性:USBパススルーポートにより、他の機器と簡単に接続可能
新発売されたおしゃれ過ぎるゲーミングキーボード【ROG STRIX FLAREⅡANIMATE】【自作PC/ゲーミングPC/デバイス】
3万円越えの超高級キーボードの打鍵感がやばい.....wwww【レビュー】 |ROG STRIX FLARE II ANIMATE
I build a 5000€ Gaming PC !
I'M DOING AN €8500 SETUP CONTEST!!! 😱 (incredible)
Asus ROG Strix Flare II Animate Keyboard Hot-swappable Full Review | I Need This!
A marriage between mass appeal features (RGB and LED display) and modder basics (hot swappable switches) the Rog Strix Flare II Animate does a good job of satisfying both crowds.
In 10 years, you will see this gaming gear set !!!
Does this feature save the gaming mechanical keyboard? In the hands of Strix Rog Flare II & Delta S Animate
This keyboard is both FAST and POWERFUL!! (shocking, literal meaning) - Review of ROG Strix Flare II Animate
Review Gaming Keyboard with ROG NX
Review ROG Strix Flare II Animate moving lights! Custom can remove the switch! Gaming Keyboard of the Year 2022
In gaming it is obviously very good, the switches are very good and perfect for this area. Normally I prefer smaller keyboards because I need a lot of space on my workstation but I really liked its design and ergonomics. Spectacular switches, the animated animation is very nice and makes a nice impression on the keyboard. For writing spectacular. The price is not exaggerated for all the functions it offers.
These keys with a response time of 0.125 MS can be one of the sought-after features in competitive arenas. The sense of quality in our user experience was also at a high level. The responsiveness of the keyboard was really good, thanks to the wrist support, it minimizes the pressure on your wrist in long-term use.
It's pretty good in terms of design, I have nothing to say about its performance anyway.
PBT keycaps, hotswap, stylish design, lubricated switches, lubricated stabilizers and noise-absorbing foam. These are all signs of a good keyboard in 2022. However, ROG went further. They added a screen and an 8000Hz refresh rate to their keyboard
ROG Strix Flare II Animate is a good mechanical keyboard with many different features. It combines a stylish design, high response speed and convenient management of multimedia functions. It will easily become an indispensable accessory for any gamer.
Very high quality stabilizers, LEDs in the corner, multimedia buttons and scroll wheel - that's what I would want in every keyboard. I liked the Claymore a bit more, but the price point is more for the connoisseur. I liked the ROG Strix Scope RX the most, which also has water spill resistance and again, solid stabilizers and very good workmanship as well as a price to match.
I tested a high-end keyboard from ASUS. It's the ROG STRIX Flare II Animate high profile wired gaming keyboard designed for precision gaming.
how to change keyboard switches
ASUS ROG Flare II Animate
The surprise is the ROG Delta S Core, probably the best microphone I've experienced with Asus. I'm also excited about the ROG Strix Flare II Animate keyboard, I'll definitely be back to that one.
Maherco Assembly #1: New Game 2022
Video review from the Konsumer channel
Video review from FunFaceTV channel
Review from the channel ASUS ROG Baltics
At the end, a top-notch keyboard that has our warm recommendation.
103 / 5.000 Резултати превода This is one of the few keyboards that ended up with two awards from my test! See why
As such, the ROG Strix Flare II Animate keyboard earned AX Advanced as well as AX Diamond recognition.
The wrist rest comes with the keyboard, is easily detachable and is of great importance, especially during long-term use of the keyboard.
The review from the channel Pakapak