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ROG Carnyx
Profesionálny kardioidný kondenzátorový herný mikrofón je vybavený 25mm kondenzátorovou kapsulou štúdiovej kvality, vzorkovacou frekvenciou 192 kHz/24 bitov, vysokofrekvenčným filtrom, integrovaným pop filtrom, prémiovým kovovým držiakom a osvetlením ASUS Aura Sync RGB.
- Kondenzátorová kapsula štúdiovej úrovne s priemerom 25 mm: ponúka bohaté a teplé vokálne tóny
- 192 kHz/24-bitová vzorkovacia frekvencia: prináša extrémne detailný zvuk s vysokým rozlíšením
- Vysokofrekvenčný filter: minimalizuje nežiaduce nízkofrekvenčné šumy a zvyšuje tým čistotu hlasu
- Integrovaný pop filter: znižuje výskyt plozívnych vokálov
- Prémiový kovový držiak: znižuje vonkajšie vibrácie a zaisťuje neprerušovaný záznam
- Tlačidlo na stlmenie jediným dotykom: rýchle a intuitívne stlmenie mikrofónu
- Multifunkčný ovládací gombík: pohodlné nastavenie hlasitosti mikrofónu a pripojeného headsetu a zapnutie/vypnutie vysokofrekvenčného filtra
- Osvetlenie ASUS Aura Sync RGB: Ukážte svoj štýl vďaka prispôsobiteľným efektom naprieč kompatibilnými produktmi
Video recenzia
I thought this will be another typical USB Mic, which will be very soft in volume, but to my surpise, it sounded so much clearer even at a distance.
The main reason why I use it is because of this one touch mute button right here at the top. Once touched your mic will turn red to signify it's muted.
My new PC GAMER 2024 : AMAZING 🤯🤯🤯
My NEW PC is a MONSTER 🤯 Introducing my 2024 Setup: new Julien Chièze ProArt PC
the ultimate microphone for gamers and creators
a professional-quality condenser microphone with a clear gaming touch
Accessories for mobile gamers, microphones, joysticks, and wireless headphones.
ROG Carnyx Review: A Desktop Gaming Microphone with Studio-Quality Sound?! | Gaming Microphone
Review of the new ROG gaming gear set in clean white, perfect for minimalists
The ROG Carnyx is the perfect microphone for creators, streamers and, in general, anyone who wants to play with a quality microphone. It stands out for its design and guaranteed natural voice reproduction.
The ROG Carnyx is a versatile, high-quality microphone in terms of recording, design and product. In my opinion it fully meets the needs of content creators, its recording quality, material quality and above all its usability make it an attractive microphone for anyone.
It's a really cool microphone that costs $200, so here it's up to you to listen and decide if you like it.
In general, this is undoubtedly a very cool microphone, which, in addition to curing common "sores" of USB microphones as such, it is a very unique device in its own right.
A really good and professional microphone that will be perfect for streamers and podcasters looking for really good and high-quality sound
It has a futuristic look, is made of metal, has a backlight and a hi-pass filter
Adequate sound quality, all the necessary functions, a cardioid microphone for podcasters, streamers, and bloggers - what else is needed
Microphone ASUS ROG Carnyx, Unboxing (What is the premium microphone ROG?) XkoGuru
ROG CES 2024 - restream in English and preview of two new products!
Asus ROG Carnyx Review | High-end gaming microphone from Asus unveiled at CES 2024
ASUS ROG CARNYX - first test of the new microphone
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS