Gaming's top 16 most famous heroes star in our ode to the greatest video game stars of all time from Mario to Solid Snake, Link, Lara Croft, and more. Which hero do you worship?
See what kind of ASUS ROG gear would go perfectly with the top games of 2015!
Andrew shares his first impressions of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Check out his thoughts after playing with all detail settings maxed out in 1440p @60FPS with G-SYNC!
Find out if you have won the ROG MATRIX GTX 980 Ti Graphics Card or a Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain game code here!
7 reasons why you should enter our competitions to win free game codes!
Find out if you are one of the lucky winners. Here is some more awesome news for those that didn't win, the competition has been extended so now you can play for a chance to win the STRIX Gaming Collection! Competition ends on September 29th.
Find out if you have won the ROG Gladius mouse & ROG Whetstone mousepad pack or a Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain game code! Plus enter Week 3 of the Bigger and Better Giveaway here!
Take a look to see if you have won one of the nice Strix prizes up for grabs!