Let's see what reviews have to say after two months of Rampaging.
The ASUS Z87 Deluxe/SATA Express is a modified Z87 Deluxe technical demonstration to exhibit the fact ASUS is not only developing motherboards with next generation SATA Express, it has them already working. See our gallery or click the link to TweakTown's detailed preview below.
On sale at Newegg with a US $30.00 discount.
JJ takes us through the ROG RAIDR Express: the PCI-Express SSD that will exceed SATA III speeds at 830/810MB/s (read/write). You can install your OS to it and it's even got a UEFI BIOS on it so you can fast-boot Windows 8 (even faster!). See the video below for the live action example.
The RAIDR Express - the ROG PCI-Express based SSD - has launched! It's called the RAIDR as it actually has two separate SSDs on the same PCB, connected in RAID0 for maximum performance. See inside for the full details, pictures and video!