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ROG Falchion Ace HFX 磁軸電競鍵盤
ROG Falchion Ace HFX 65% 磁軸電競鍵盤,附預潤 ROG HFX 磁軸、Rapid Trigger 快速觸發切換開關、Speed Tap 模式、互動式觸控面板、8000 Hz 輪詢率、五層消音結構、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三個傾斜角度和保護蓋
- ROG HFX 磁軸: 提供紮實的手感和可自訂的 0.1 - 4.0 mm 驅動,實現即時擊鍵的高速觸發
- Rapid Trigger 快速觸發切換開關:便利且直觀的開關設計,使得擊鍵反應與按鍵重複速度達到極致
- Speed Tap 模式: 可優先處理最新輸入的按鍵指令而無需鬆開上一個按鍵,實現即時方向變更並消除延遲時間間隔
- 8000 Hz 輪詢率:提供 0.125 ms 的高速反應時間 — 為他牌電競鍵盤反應速度的 8 倍
- 絕佳觸鍵體驗: 結合五層減震結構和矽膠墊片,可吸收敲擊回音並提供更具緩衝的打字手感
- 直覺的控制:透過多功能按鈕和互動式觸控面板設定驅動點、播放 / 暫停媒體、調整音量和鍵盤燈光
- 雙 USB-C®連接: 靈活的連接埠配置,可實現更為簡潔的設備設置規劃,並讓使用者能夠在兩部 PC 之間快速切換
KitGuru says: The Falchion Ace HFX is a tremendous gaming keyboard
The main reason why I picked this keyboard is that it feels really good to type on and sounds so much better than the other options from their direct competition. This is one that I am very comfortable using for more than just gaming, which I am quite sure most people would want from their keyboard. It's also got interesting features like the touch control panel on the back the rapid trigger toggle switch and the USBC ports on the left and right of the keyboard and it's things like these that make the keyboard model unique.
This is a pretty good gaming keyboard and a great start for the first Hall Effect offering.
Rather than using a simple mechanical switch, so basically you can figure out whether your switch is pressed all the way down or your switch is all the way up or it's going up or it's going down, which allows it to basically react more quickly than a fixed mechanical switch that can only be on or off.
a mechanical keyboard on which you can customize the actuation point and operate two PCs at the same time
With ASUS ROG Harpe Ace Mini & Falchion Ace HFX, ROG became 1st tier vender of KB and mouse
Although the initial specifications are not impressive as we are talking about a 24-inch TN screen in 2024, its speed and minimum response times immediately increase all interest in this monitor!
ASUS did it again - they released a gorgeous keyboard that I can't help but praise.
This is a good upgrade to a good quality keyboard, I really like these keys, they are comfortable and look cool
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