ROG Moonstone Ace L 玻璃鼠墊

ASUS Store 建議售價 NT$2,990
ASUS Store 建議售價 NT$2,990
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ROG Moonstone Ace L 玻璃鼠墊

ROG Moonstone Ace L 大尺寸電競滑鼠墊,採用頂級強化玻璃材質,具有卓越的耐用性。滑鼠墊經特殊光滑表面處理及具備防滑矽膠底座設計,使滑鼠移動快速、順暢、精準。

  • 極致順暢 : 光滑啞光表面,確保滑鼠滑動快速且精準
  • 降噪設計 : 滑鼠滑動過程格外安靜
  • 卓越耐用 : 由防衝擊、防刮之強化玻璃製成
  • 防滑底座 : 全矽膠底座確保極致穩定,同時具有獨樹一格 ROG 圖騰設計
  • 大尺寸 : 500 x 400 mm



This Mousepad is AS FRAGILE as an iPhone 15 Pro!!

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In this video, I build a SETUP dedicated to eSPORT and competitive gamers with a 540Hz screen, an ROG PC equipped with an RTX 4080 and an i7 14700KF, and low-latency keyboard/mouse peripherals!

You can configure absolutely everything on the application

Anyway, I'm really excited about it, I think it looks super sleek.

Leaves us with a great impression

Review of the new ROG gaming gear set in clean white, perfect for minimalists

Asus allowed me to create a really nice and convincing full white setup, thanks also to the backlighting of the products. The setup consists of the ROG Moonstone ACE L tempered glass mat, which makes the mouse glide incredibly smoothly, the ROG Falchion ACE low profile keyboard, which is very aesthetically pleasing and has keys that offer a pleasant sound, and finally, the super light ROG Harpe ACE AimLab edition mouse.

I had the chance to test the new ROG MOONSTONE ACE L and the feedback is definitely positive. Why is it worth buying? For the quality of the materials that make it durable and for the glass finish, which is scratch-resistant and gives it some extra grip, which is necessary for motion control. The mouse was tested in combination with the new ROG HARPE ACE, a very light and super durable mouse that I 100% recommend.

My setup is all ASUS ROG and includes a build enclosed in the ROG Hyperion GR701 case, the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard, the fantastic ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mat, the lightweight ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse, the ROG Falchion ace mini keyboard and the Rog Gladius III mouse.

The ROG Moonstone ACE L is a glass pad. The packaging is great, the base is beautiful. The feeling you get from trying it on is incredible. While it is true that the mouse glides without any friction, it is also true that you never lose control. The experience it offers is unique.

We had the chance to try out the sophisticated ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mouse pad, which fascinated us with its materials, elegance, smoothness, and the control it allows. The Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse is comfortable, lightweight and extremely precise able to fit perfectly with the mat creating an explosive match.

ROG Moonstone Ace L Glass Mouse Pad.

The mouse doesn't just glide on this surface, it floats!

It is very high quality and reliable. I'm sure that nothing will happen to it over many years of use

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Its specially treated surface provides unmatched precision as well as easy gliding and tracking. With moves so quick and clean, your opponents won't know what hit them.

So, looking at it even as a tool that can help you earn a few dinars, provided you are a pro gamer, this kind of mouse represents a seriously good investment and without a problem takes home the highest platinum medal.

月光白 ROG Moonstone Ace L 滑鼠墊與月光白 ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 完整套裝
黑色 ROG Moonstone Ace L 滑鼠墊與黑色 ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 完整套裝


ROG Moonstone Ace L 是一款優質滑鼠墊,由防衝擊和防刮強化玻璃製成,具有卓越的耐用性。經特殊處理的表面提供無與倫比的精準度及無負擔的滑動和追蹤。動作迅速且不拖泥帶水,快到讓您的對手措手不及。


ROG Moonstone Ace L 月光白,寬 500 公釐,高 400 公釐
用手掀起 ROG Hone Ace XXL 一角,顯示其基礎材料的圖片


Moonstone Ace L 的玻璃表面經特殊處理,可確保畫素等級的精確追蹤並增強效能。

  • 黑色 ROG Moonstone Ace L 和黑色 ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 的圖片



  • ROG Moonstone Ace L 月光白和手正在控制滑鼠的圖片



  • 黑色和月光白色 Moonstone Ace L 滑鼠墊並置的圖片




  • 由於獨特的強化玻璃表面,ROG Moonstone Ace L 可實現極致速度,使快速滑動更加一致且毫不費力。這對於喜歡較低滑鼠感測器 DPI 設定的 FPS 玩家特別有利,可在瞄準和甩槍時進行更多的手動控制。此外,ROG Moonstone Ace L 經過處理的表面使其追蹤動作比以往更加準確。

  • ROG Moonstone Ace L 搭配 PTFE 滑鼠腳的效果最佳。我們建議不要在 ROG Moonstone Ace L 上使用其他材質的滑鼠腳,特別是玻璃材質,因為摩擦會導致滑鼠墊和滑鼠腳的表面磨損。


  • 耐衝擊

    ROG Moonstone Ace L 由 9H 強化玻璃製成,具有卓越的耐用度和抗拉度。即使從 1 公尺高處掉落,也完全不會碎裂。

    *Moonstone Ace L 的耐用性已在受控環境中進行測試。
  • 耐刮痕


  • 易於清潔



  • 只要使用濕布輕輕擦拭表面,或使用溫和的清潔劑即可。清潔後,請將玻璃滑鼠墊放在陰涼處晾乾或用乾淨的乾布擦拭。

    * 請勿在滑鼠墊上使用消毒酒精。
  • ROG Moonstone Ace L 的強化玻璃表面在正常使用的情況下,可承受多年的使用。玻璃滑鼠墊上的輕微刮痕不會影響其效能。請務必確保滑鼠墊放置在平坦、水平的表面上,以防止任何意外損壞。


全矽膠底座可確保 Moonstone Ace L 穩貼桌面,提供穩定的表面,讓玩家享受滑鼠迅速移動的快感。ROG在風格設計上也從未怠懈,底座具備亮眼的圖騰,為鼠墊打造獨特的外觀。

黑色和月光白 ROG Moonstone Ace L 的底面

ROG Ace 系列

來自 NRG Valorant 團隊的 Ardiis

ROG Moonstone Ace L 的表面非常光滑,無論滑動和甩槍都毫不費力。




ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition 電競鼠墊

ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition 是一款大尺寸電競滑鼠墊,可搭配 Aim Lab X ROG 360 訓練關卡使用,協助玩家提高準度。Hone Ace 的混合型亂紋布表面可提供流暢滑動和控制能力,並採用防水、防油及防塵的保護性塗層表面,以及柔軟防滑橡膠底材。

ROG Hone Ace XXL 電競鼠墊

ROG Hone Ace XXL 大尺寸電競滑鼠墊,具備超柔軟防滑橡膠底部、混合型亂紋布表面,提供流暢滑動和控制能力,同時防水、防油且防塵。

ROG Balteus Qi 電競鼠墊

ROG Balteus Qi 無線充電 RGB 電競滑鼠墊具備 15 區 Aura Sync 燈光效果、直式硬質表面、USB 連接埠及防滑底座

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ROG Strix Edge 電競鼠墊

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ROG Balteus 電競鼠墊

ROG Balteus RGB 電競滑鼠墊具備 15 區 Aura Sync 燈光效果、直式硬質表面、USB 連接埠及防滑底座


ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 無線滑鼠

超輕量的 ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 是一款 54g 的無線電競滑鼠,經專業玩家測試認可的外型、36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、三模連線功能、ROG 微動開關、五個可編程按鈕,以及 Aim Lab Settings Optimizer 智能最佳化滑鼠設定。

ROG Falchion Ace 電競鍵盤

ROG Falchion Ace 65% 輕巧電競鍵盤具備ROG NX 機械軸,ROG 鍵軸穩定器、吸音泡綿、互動式觸控板、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三種鍵盤傾斜角度,以及保護蓋

ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint 無線滑鼠

75g 輕量無線 RGB 電競滑鼠,配備 36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、具備三模連線(2.4 GHz、藍牙、有線 USB 2.0)、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II、ROG 微動開關、PBT 按鈕、ROG Paracord、100% PTFE 滑鼠腳、五個可編程按鈕和滑鼠防滑貼。

ROG Gladius III Wireless AimPoint 無線滑鼠

79g 輕量的無線 RGB 電競滑鼠,配備 36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、具備三模連線(2.4 GHz、藍牙、有線 USB 2.0)、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II、ROG 微動開關、0 毫秒點擊延遲樞軸按鈕機構、人體工學設計、ROG Paracord、100% PTFE 滑鼠腳、六個可編程按鈕和滑鼠防滑貼。

ROG 電競手機搖桿支架

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極致安靜 4-pin PWM 風扇適用於電腦機殼、散熱器或 CPU 散熱

ROG Eye S 視訊鏡頭

ROG Eye S USB 視訊鏡頭支援 Full HD 60fps 串流,具備 AI 降噪麥克風提升串流音訊品質,精巧可折疊的設計更便於攜帶以及安裝在任何筆電上

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