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ROG Falchion Ace 電競鍵盤
ROG Falchion Ace 65% 輕巧電競鍵盤具備ROG NX 機械軸,ROG 鍵軸穩定器、吸音泡綿、互動式觸控板、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三種鍵盤傾斜角度,以及保護蓋
- 緊湊設計:精巧的 68 鍵配置方式巧妙地整合箭頭與方向鍵
- ROG NX 機械軸: 具備 7000 萬次點擊壽命、高速觸發力以及特殊調校的觸發行程,提供絕佳的觸鍵手感與回饋
- 絕佳打字體驗:獨特設計的ROG鍵軸穩定器,確保流暢鍵擊及長鍵的穩定性,鍵盤還配有ROG PBT 二色成型鍵帽及內搭載吸音泡棉
- 互動式觸控板:直觀設計,讓您輕鬆調整個人設定並自訂控制功能
- 雙 USB-C®:雙接口設計實現更整潔的桌面配置,也讓您能夠在兩台PC之間快速切換
- 人體工學設計:鍵盤三種傾斜角度,提供絕佳舒適度及支配力
- 便攜且具保護力:革命性創新鍵盤保護套,移動時為鍵盤提供保護力
- 台灣僅提供白色款
Everyone defines the perfect gaming setup differently - this combo is definitely pretty cool!
Build PC GAMER ROG Full White Powered by ASUS à 5000 €
Dominate WARZONE, THE Gaming PC Configuration to WIN. 🎁🎁🎁
not only a keyboard with premium materials, a more compact design with versatile functions and durable switches, but overall, the typing experience is simply sublime thanks to the combination of ROG's pre-lubricated swithes, stabilizers and high-end keycaps.
A lot of playing time!
【真相解明】FPSガチ勢向けのゲーミングデバイスを初心者が使ってみる【ASUS ROG ACE】
ASUSの”本気”ゲーミングデバイスで揃えたらヤバかった【ROG ACEシリーズ】
【 ROG ACE SERIES 】本気で勝つためのゲーミングデバイスが登場したぞ...!
【潜入】ASUS ROG 初のE-Sportsコレクション「ACE SERIES」発表会に行ってきた【自作PC】
【ASUS本気出しすぎて草】エイムの世界記録保持者が作った最強ゲーミングデバイスが発売されました。 [ROG Harpe Ace/Horn Ace AimLab Edition]
【超軽量54g】ASUS ROGとAim Labが作ったE-Sports向け、新しいゲーミングマウスとゲーミングキーボードを使ってみた【ROG Ace】【自作PC】
【軽量54g】ROGが本気で作ったEsports向ゲーミングデバイス / ROG ACE
Keyboard compact design Support dual device
Among the strengths of the ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition are its light weight and, on a quality level, its solidity. In fact, the build quality is fantastic and the shape is also well thought out. The level of this mouse is definitely high. The only negative note is the high price.
ASUS unboxing
ASUS unboxing
My setup is all ASUS ROG and includes a build enclosed in the ROG Hyperion GR701 case, the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard, the fantastic ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mat, the lightweight ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse, the ROG Falchion ace mini keyboard and the Rog Gladius III mouse.
ASUS has already thought of everything a user might need and added it to this compact keyboard.
Asus ROG Falchion Ace - Review in English
If you like the form factor, and the price tag doesn't scare you - the keyboard is really interesting and you can consider it before buying it
Despite its compactness, no basic functions are cut down, and this is why this keyboard is captivating, plus its workmanship and design.
The mouse is so light that when Asus sent the box, it looked like there was nothing in it.
MUST HAVE ASUS? Falchion Glass Pad and Keyboard
We're building a PC for 170,000 but we can't...