ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 無線滑鼠
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ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 無線滑鼠
超輕量的 ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition 是一款 54g 的無線電競滑鼠,經專業玩家測試認可的外型、36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、三模連線功能、ROG 微動開關、五個可編程按鈕,以及 Aim Lab Settings Optimizer 智能最佳化滑鼠設定。
- 經專業玩家測試認可的鼠型:電競專家同開發的滑鼠形狀,確保甩槍及跟槍的最大穩定性及控制能力
- Aim Lab Settings Optimizer 智能最佳化滑鼠設定:協同軟體分析使用者強項及遊戲風格,為玩家量身打造滑鼠設定
- 輕量級 54 g設計:嚴格細膩的工程設計和創新的生物基尼龍材質,大幅減輕滑鼠重量
- ROG AimPoint 光學感測器:新一代 36,000-dpi 光學感測器具有領先業界的 < 1% cpi 偏差,提供極致精確程度
- 三模連線功能:有線 USB、低延遲 2.4 GHz RF 及藍牙® 模式最多可與三個裝置進行配對,提供無與倫比的連線彈性
- ROG SpeedNova 無線技術:在 2.4 GHz RF 模式中提供低延遲、可靠的無線效能及優異的電量
- ROG Omni 接收器:以單一接收器無線連接多個支援的裝置
- 免驅動設定功能:按下不同的滑鼠按鈕組合,即可客製調整滑鼠常用設定
- ROG 微動開關:7000 萬次點擊壽命,提供穩定且一致的點擊手感
- ROG 圖騰防滑貼:提供使用者更完善的操控力並增添特色風格
- ROG Paracord 連接線及 100% PTFE 圓邊滑鼠腳: 優質設計確保靈活的滑動體驗
- NVIDIA®Reflex:經官方認證,NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer 相容產品,隨時掌握滑鼠反應速度 - 深入瞭解NVIDIA Reflex
Is this pointless? Asus ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab edition
ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition Unboxing (ASMR) #shorts
ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition Review - Just 54 Grams! Without Holes.
For claw gripping, I would recommend this for hands up to 20cm long.
The Harpe Ace Mini features a smooth touch grippy coating which is a very nice Improvement.
Great overall package
These could be my new favourite ROG products.
I WAS CHALLENGED to PLAY Mouse Keyboard again after 5 years and a half of playing with a controller! ⌨️🖱️
HOW TO GET BETTER at FPS with an app (Harpe ACE Mouse by Asus ROG x AIM Lab)
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Discover Inoxtag's incredible JUNGLE Gaming PC mod for €10,000, a piece of art!
If you're looking for a G-Pro, but a bit bigger, well this is certainly an excellent choice here.
In this video, I build a SETUP dedicated to eSPORT and competitive gamers with a 540Hz screen, an ROG PC equipped with an RTX 4080 and an i7 14700KF, and low-latency keyboard/mouse peripherals!
Today I'm asking Luffy, a member of the Red Bull ESport team and 2014 Street Fighter world champion, for his opinion.
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My NEW PC is a MONSTER 🤯 Introducing my 2024 Setup: new Julien Chièze ProArt PC
This mouse has a special feature that makes it perfect for shooters.
It's just really good, and it's super light.
Today we are going to install some cool peripherals and something extra.
I-Upgrade ang Iyong Gaming Setup with White-Themed Peripherals - ASUS ROG Edition
This is the lightest mouse I have reviewed with amazing performance while gaming and doing productivity tasks
Harpe Ace feels like a mouse that is designed by pros for the pros. There is an attention to detail in every aspect right from design to material, sensor, switches and even the in-box accessories
One of the best for competitive
【真相解明】FPSガチ勢向けのゲーミングデバイスを初心者が使ってみる【ASUS ROG ACE】
【超軽量54g】ASUS ROGとAim Labが作ったE-Sports向け、新しいゲーミングマウスとゲーミングキーボードを使ってみた【ROG Ace】【自作PC】
【軽量54g】ROGが本気で作ったEsports向ゲーミングデバイス / ROG ACE
ASUS ROG Harpe Ace レビュー / つかみ持ち特化?Aim Labプロと共同開発した54グラムのワイヤレスマウス
【最強】ROGがAim Labと作ったゲーミングマウスがヤバい!圧倒的軽さと握り心地でメインマウス待ったなし!【ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition】
ASUSの”本気”ゲーミングデバイスで揃えたらヤバかった【ROG ACEシリーズ】
【 ROG ACE SERIES 】本気で勝つためのゲーミングデバイスが登場したぞ...!
【潜入】ASUS ROG 初のE-Sportsコレクション「ACE SERIES」発表会に行ってきた【自作PC】
【ASUS本気出しすぎて草】エイムの世界記録保持者が作った最強ゲーミングデバイスが発売されました。 [ROG Harpe Ace/Horn Ace AimLab Edition]
Great War Tier Tier !!! GPRO X Superlight vs Rog Harpe Ai Aimlab Edition.
Is Gaming mouse adjusting the parameters really necessary?!
Asus Rog Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition | "Hack" game fps now is easy | 54 grams, super light
[Review A-Z] The Best of Gaming Mouse 2023 for Pro FPS Player | Asus Rog Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition
Gaming Gear ASUS ROG “WIRELESS” from ROG helps you “UP” when playing games
Is Harpe Ace more than 2 bulbs suitable for gamers?
Gaming Mouse AimLab Accurate response with ROG Aimpoint 36,000 dpi and Mouse Pad crosshair onscreen
Gaming Mouse AimLab Accurate response with ROG Aimpoint 36,000 dpi and Mouse Pad crosshair onscreen
The New ROG Gaming Gear Good design and Accurate response
Among the strengths of the ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition are its light weight and, on a quality level, its solidity. In fact, the build quality is fantastic and the shape is also well thought out. The level of this mouse is definitely high. The only negative note is the high price.
The ROG Moonstone ACE L is a glass pad. The packaging is great, the base is beautiful. The feeling you get from trying it on is incredible. While it is true that the mouse glides without any friction, it is also true that you never lose control. The experience it offers is unique.
We had the chance to try out the sophisticated ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mouse pad, which fascinated us with its materials, elegance, smoothness, and the control it allows. The Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse is comfortable, lightweight and extremely precise able to fit perfectly with the mat creating an explosive match.
My setup is all ASUS ROG and includes a build enclosed in the ROG Hyperion GR701 case, the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard, the fantastic ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mat, the lightweight ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse, the ROG Falchion ace mini keyboard and the Rog Gladius III mouse.
Asus allowed me to create a really nice and convincing full white setup, thanks also to the backlighting of the products. The setup consists of the ROG Moonstone ACE L tempered glass mat, which makes the mouse glide incredibly smoothly, the ROG Falchion ACE low profile keyboard, which is very aesthetically pleasing and has keys that offer a pleasant sound, and finally, the super light ROG Harpe ACE AimLab edition mouse.
I had the chance to test the new ROG MOONSTONE ACE L and the feedback is definitely positive. Why is it worth buying? For the quality of the materials that make it durable and for the glass finish, which is scratch-resistant and gives it some extra grip, which is necessary for motion control. The mouse was tested in combination with the new ROG HARPE ACE, a very light and super durable mouse that I 100% recommend.
Material quality, technical performance and functionality are very successful.
If you play competitive FPS games and prefer light mice, you can easily choose Asus ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse and ROG Hone Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse pad.
We tested the new ASUS ROG Harpe Ace in partnership with Aim Lab, a high-performance gaming mouse with features that will help gamers improve their accuracy and performance in FPS games!
Although the initial specifications are not impressive as we are talking about a 24-inch TN screen in 2024, its speed and minimum response times immediately increase all interest in this monitor!
I now believe that this is one of the best mice you can buy at this time.
ASUS ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition is a high-quality gaming mouse created specifically for eSports disciplines. It boasts optimal ergonomics, excellent sensor characteristics, and the availability of three connection options. The manufacturer also promises the most stable operation through a wireless connection thanks to the support of ROG SpeedNova technology.
ASUS ROG Harpe Ace AimLab Edition is one of the best mice of 2023 and my new main mouse!
All I can recommend here is to lower the price a bit. But I am not an e-sportsman, and for them this manipulator is a working tool, thanks to which they earn money.
I liked the mouse and playing shooters on it was as pleasant as possible.
It's a great choice for eSports or gamblers looking for a truly professional and high-quality solution to play games at a high level
The mouse is so light that when Asus sent the box, it looked like there was nothing in it.
The mouse is better ultraweight than Logitech's in my opinion. So for me it is the best mouse I have tested so far and also the cooperation with Aimlab will set the mouse values really well into the 5th profile of the mouse memory.
This time I tested a hot new product from ASUS. It's an ultra-lightweight ROG Harpe wireless mouse specialized for esport games. Better yet, it was developed in collaboration with AimLab.
This PC does NOT have cables ****
ASUS ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition
This is my new PC from ASUS! Finally a decent machine for WOWko ❤️
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-BE98 / ROG Harpe Ace AIM Lab / ROG STRIX Scope II (The best for gamers) XkoGuru
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HANZ and BENDER are building me a PC for 100,000 but they broke it...
Crime Boss 💰🚔 Gang game experience
The most powerful keyboard in the world + fastest mouse / Rog Harpe Ace + Rog Azoth
The world professionals gathering Mouse Jimming Harpe Ace Aim Lab
Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition is a very complex and very good gaming mouse. It offers an extremely fast and precise sensor, a small body and software that allows changing many parameters through the Armory Crate software. The small body will not suit everyone, but that makes it light for quick maneuvers.
Видеообзор от канала За Techno
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
ASUS on Computex 2023
Video review from the channel Warkey
ROG and Aim Lab have joined forces to raise the bar for esports gaming with the ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition wireless mouse. Designed for esports and aspiring gaming professionals, this ultralight 54 gram mouse includes the Aim Lab Settings Optimizer feature that measures and analyzes user performance to create the best possible combination of settings.
By the way, what I didn't know when I opened it and got to know it is that the mouse also has new ROG microswitches on all the keys, hence the great clicky feeling even on the side keys. These switches are claimed to have over 70M clicks.
ROG and Aim Lab have joined forces to raise the bar for eSports gaming with the ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition wireless gaming mouse.
So, looking at it even as a tool that can help you earn a few dinars, provided you are a pro gamer, this kind of mouse represents a seriously good investment and without a problem takes home the highest platinum medal.