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(5)Latest in Tech
9.6/10 & Highly Recommended
AUSTRALIA 10/13/2021MoreTech Porn
TechPorn High-Performance Award
The ASUS ROG Strix LC II 360 is a high performance cooling solution fit for higher performance processors. Keep the RPM in check though if you are willing to shell out $189.99 USD for this unit.
PHILIPPINES 03/10/2022MoreMedcom
Mencoba Pendingin Prosesor Asus ROG Strix LC II 360 ARGB
Best Performance
The material used in production is very good. Low noise while in use Easy installation Controlling the heat is considered valid.
THAILAND 07/14/2021MoreBUG online
Bug inovation award
TUF Gaming LC II 360 ARGB is a good choice for you. An additional reason to buy is the price; despite the large dimensions, the price of 180 euros does not seem excessive, especially when we bear in mind that many other water cooling units with smaller radiators cost more.
CROATIA 09/11/2023More
Video Reviews
We build a 3000€ ASUS GAMING PC.
ROG quality is legendary and with good reason. 4/5 candies.
Building an EPIC Gaming PC for GTA 6
【自作PC】30万円台で組む黒い本格ゲーミングPC RTX4070Ti 13700K Z790【TUF GAMING】
【TUF GAMING】自作ゲーミングPCを解説しながら組み立てと性能テスト TUF RTX4070Ti 13700K【APEX 240fps】
スタンミと作ったTUF GAMING PCを紹介しながら使ってみた
How is PC hundreds of millions like?
Build PC extremely terrible with RTX 4090, Strix Z790, Intel Gen 13 CPU
PC Gaming 100 tubers brings brilliant aura to gamers
Build PC Gaming 100 million | "Brilliant aura" brought the god again
Instructions Build PC Gaming 100 million | Super product Asus Rog Hyperion | Core i9 13900k VS RTX 4090
SOLO DA FPS high or low will win? RTX 3060TI VS RTX 4090 Who Win?
Along the new year pork soup with super-terrible apparatus using the Intel Core i9-12900k CPU
Review of intel gen 13 with ROG Z790 board paired with with a powerful 4090.
I'm excited because I've been dreaming of doing a collaboration with Asus for years and we're finally here! Today we will assemble my new computer for the one million special. I can't wait then to try this ORG Wingwall, I think I'm one of the first to try it and it looks super cool.
LC cooling ROG STRIX LC II 360 ARGB in games copes even with this CPU, although the fans are audible.
Maherco Assembly #2: Broadcasting device 2022
The review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS
The review from the channel Pakapak
Media Reviews
(8)第12世代Core & ASUS Z690で組む! オススメPC構成3選
JAPAN 01/06/2022MoreThe ASUS ROG Strix LC II 360 ARGB is an AIO liquid cooling system with a 360 mm radiator and 3 integrated 120 mm fans. This is not only an aesthetically pleasing product, with integrated LEDs on the fans and waterblock, but also very efficient for dissipation.
ITALY 01/06/2023More懂門道的玩家應該很清楚高階的風扇價格往往也不便宜, ROG STRIX LC II 360 ARGB 一口氣提供三顆高效率的水冷專用高轉速 12 公分風扇,雖然會使全轉速的音量略高(達 37.6dB ),不過也意味著 ROG STRIX LC II 360 ARGB 能夠在高負載時以更高的效率將廢熱帶出系統,同時在持續運轉時亦更容易維持系統的解熱能力,使處理器盡可能維持峰值效能表現
TAIWAN 08/24/2021MoreROG STRIX LC II 一體式水冷散熱器,目前在台灣推出 3 種冷排尺寸,經過實測比較, 280 mm 和 360 mm 燒機的溫度會很接近,360 mm 平均溫度差異在 3% 上下,但是待機溫度可以差到 25%,至於急速降溫 360 mm 速度會比 280 mm 好一點。反正不管是 ROG Strix LC II 360 或是 ROG Strix LC II 280,最新 ASETEK 第 7 代水冷頭,ROG 軸向式風扇,提供全方面 6 年保固,漏水保固也免擔心。另外小提醒,購買一體式水冷散熱器前,一定要確認你的機殼相容的冷排尺寸。
TAIWAN 06/07/2021More買就對啦!這次就不多說什麼了,整體來說水冷系統安裝真的是超簡單的,而且很順手!完全有站在消費者角度去設計,我給100分!機殼部分大致上也沒有什麼缺點,尺寸大小與重量上有不錯的平衡,因為可能要考量移動性,金屬與強化玻璃的厚度就會稍微薄一些,但是韌度還是很好~
TAIWAN 07/04/2021More価格帯別“松竹梅”PC自作プラン~Intelの最新CPUとASUSのパーツでパーフェクトな一台を
AKIBA PC Hot line!
JAPAN 12/19/2023MoreASUS ROG STRIX LC II 360 ARGB in hand - 81 CFM fan, 5 mmH2O static pressure
VIETNAM 02/11/2024MoreThe material used in production is very good. Low noise while in use Easy installation Controlling the heat is considered valid.
THAILAND 07/14/2021More