Two Skyrim Tweak Guides At

Bethesda's latest dragon-slaying (partly), scroll reading (maybe) time-sink (definitely) game, Skyrim, has cost us ROGers maaaaany-a-hours. That is, before we took an arrow to the knee (read: our boss demanded actual work).

For those still with the freedom to play, here's two Skyrim Tweak Guides for tweaking all those PC-only goodies to make it look prettier and run smoother than ever. Published by those Nvidia-ites over at the first guide, written by Koroush Ghazi, is aimed at understanding all the in-game options and testing the performance hit, so you can better judge what settings give the best balance of performance:eye candy.

Skyrim AF on - image courtesy of

The second Skyrim Tweak Guide, written by Andrew Burnes, is somewhat more involved, but it's also the more important one for PC gamers as it tells you how to improve texture quality, draw distances and in-game effects.

Radeon users can poke a nose in too as the native Skyrim options are available for all users, however the guide is obviously detailed for Nvidia's hardware, drivers and software.

In addition, be sure to grab the latest patch that adds support for up to 4GB of memory addressing (the maximum the 32-bit executable can handle) and various other tweaks.

If you spot a Radeon tweak guide, or you have other tweak options to share with ROGers - please give us a shout, in the forums.