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ROG Kerris Review: Familiar yet Different
PC 35 million in 2022 is very strange! There are 3070 Ti always !!!
With 1 million, you should buy this super light mouse !!! Review Asus Rog Keris
The 4.5 million challenge to buy 4 Gaming Gear Asus Rog Full LED RGB Aura Sync !!!
Media Reviews
(4)ROG Keris 電競滑鼠算是一款入門的人體工學電競鼠,但不像以往做成尺寸較大的款式,向這樣中型尺寸對於也較能與更多的玩家手型吻合,對於大手或是小手的玩家來說也能夠輕鬆地使用這款滑鼠。 整體除了外型之外,重量也僅有 62g,因此不論是輕鬆的掌握或是競技的指抓,都可以輕鬆的操作,另外全新的 ROG 微動開關手感上十分 Q 彈,搭配樞紐按鍵結構設計,按壓的回饋與整體使用感受筆者體驗下來覺得算是舒適。 當然除了有線版的 ROG Keris 電競滑鼠之外,還有 ROG Keris Wireless 可以選擇,兩種版本玩家可以依照需求去選擇。
ASUS ROG Keris is a compact and very lightweight gaming mouse with a good shape that is great for finger grip. The mouse received a reliable, accurate and fast optical sensor, as well as excellent branded ROG switches with a resource of 70 million clicks.
ASUS ROG Keris and Keris Wireless turned out to be successful mice with an interesting set of features. Although we have already seen the change of switches and other customization. The shape of the body is comfortable, although not for the average hand. If the palms are large, mice are more suitable for the role of portable models for laptops. Especially the wireless version.
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS