ROG Claymore II

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ROG Claymore II

ROG Claymore II 模組化 80% / 100% 電競鍵盤,搭載 ROG RX 光軸、可拆式數字鍵盤與腕托、有線與無線 2.4G 連接模式、可自訂快捷鍵、音量調整滾輪以及無線 Aura Sync 燈效

  • 隨喜暢遊:可拆式數字鍵區可連接至 80% 鍵盤的左側或右側,以符合個人的遊戲風格與情境
  • ROG RX 光學機械軸: RX 紅軸與 RX 青軸具備中心燈效,並提供穩定無晃動的鍵擊體驗與近乎零延遲的回彈速度進一步了解 ROG RX 光軸
  • 零延遲的連線:有線與 2.4 GHz 無線連接模式皆提供超快 1 ms 反應時間
  • 絕佳電池續航力:4000 mAh 電池可提供長達 43 小時的續航力 (100% 配置且開啟燈效模式的測式環境),鍵盤內建 LED 電量指示燈
  • 快速充電與 USB 埠:輕鬆切換 USB-C® 快速充電與 USB Type-A 連接埠
  • 直覺的控制:四個可完全自訂的快捷鍵,數字鍵盤內建音量控制滾輪
  • 無線 Aura Sync:即使使用無線連接也能同步燈效,展現電競氛圍
  • 人體工學設計:可拆式磁吸式腕托,長時間遊戲也能提供舒適使用體驗



Video review from the FunFaceTV channel


I'm certainly impressed at the build quality as well as the R&D that has gone into creating all the peripherals that I've tried today.

Overall, I'm actually really excited to be using this in the days to come.

And if you are someone that wants a clean set up that works, these are great choices.

Very very solid option for keyboard and mouse

When I saw the ROG Glaymore II, I instantly wanted it. The ROG Chakram is my favourite mouse

ASUS ROG Claymore II: wireless mechanical gaming keyboard with detachable numpad

ASUS ROG Claymore II Gaming Tastatur mit modularem Numpad

I changed my GAMING KEYBOARD (again)... and it is PERFECT !

A very surprising mechanical keyboard - ASUS ROG CLAYMORE II

I offered him a 6500€ Setup GAMER !



Finally, there is a keyboard on the market that exactly meets my needs.

Have you checked out Zizan Razak 's latest all ROG PC build lately!? 🤩 If you haven't, click on the link and admire this absolute beauty of a build!

With all the hype around this keyboard, is the Asus ROG CLAYMORE II worth the RM900+ for Malaysians? I try to answer this question in the video!

If you want to use the numeric keypad, just put it on the left side.

Kali ini Picel akan bahas lagi sebuah Keyboard dan Mouse dari ASUS Republic Of Gamers buat para teman-teman sekalian yang sedang mencari keyboard dan mouse wireless untuk mendampingi sesi gaming sekarang ini yaitu Keyboard ROG Claymore 2 dan juga ROG Gladius 3 Wireless. Kedua device ini memiliki koneksi wireless sehingga akan menarik untuk kita review terutama buat kita yang cari mouse dan keyboard wireless tapi dengan performa tinggi seperti ini.

Gak usah Costum2, Udah ENAK Banget ini! ASUS ROG Claymore II

ASUS Claymore II | Keyboard Gaming Mechanical Wireless Canggih

ASUS ROG Claymore II itu boleh dibilang bawa evolusi besar kalo keyboard gaming ternyata bisa mudahin banyak hal, entah buat main game, editing, atau apapun yang biasa dilakukan user modern. Cuma buat lebih pastinya, pantengin terus video ini!

Monitor & Peripheral Gaming ROG Paling Laku 2021! Wawancara Eksklusif dengan Tim ASUS ROG Component

This Gear combo "gives" really #phongvu #Review

PC more than 100 full Rog Strix #Shorts #satisfying #satisfyingvideo #ODDLYSATISFYING

Review the new ROG Gaming Gear

The new Gaming Keyboard can adjust Full size or TKL and Gaming Mouse

Review ROG Gaming Gear, The new Gaming Keyboard and mouse

The new Gaming Keyboard TKL 80% or Full size 100% with ROG switches Wireless mode up to 144 hours /1 charging

Video review from the channel Pro Девайсы

The ultimate keyboard! it's perfect!

ROG Claymore II is a custom keyboard that can be used in three different modes. Claymore II, which can be used as a classic full-size keyboard, can also be used as a TKL.

If you say that I am talented, but my equipment limits my abilities, then you can take your performance and talent to a higher level by buying such beautiful equipment.

It is a very nice keyboard in terms of switch, quality and additional features it offers.

Either wired or wireless, this is a gaming keyboard that we liked very much, with a 1 ms response time and exquisite optical mechanical keys with a great feel. This product fits very well with both ASUS ROG gaming desktops and gaming laptops, making typing and playing much more enjoyable and also can create an advantage in competitive gaming.

How to clean the keyboard ?! ASUS ROG CLAYMORE II REVIEW + CLEANING

Very high quality stabilizers, LEDs in the corner, multimedia buttons and scroll wheel - that's what I would want in every keyboard. I liked the Claymore a bit more, but the price point is more for the connoisseur. I liked the ROG Strix Scope RX the most, which also has water spill resistance and again, solid stabilizers and very good workmanship as well as a price to match.

Those few little things which could have been better in Claymore, ARE better in Claymore II.

Video review from the channel HDTanel

Video review from the TheTanelChannel

Video review from the channel HDTanel Rating 9.9 out of 10

Video review from the channel TheTanelChannel Rating 9.9 out of 10

Video review from the channel ROG CIS

Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS

Video review from the channel Uldons TV

Video review from the channel Konsumer

The review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS

Because of its performance, the ASUS ROG Claymore II is considered to get AXE Advanced Design as well as AXE Diamond award.

Add to that an ultra-fast wireless connection with 1ms of response and in front of you is a keyboard that easily wins the Platinum Award.

The review from the channel Texnoplov



ROG Claymore II 光軸電競鍵盤具備驚豔的產品特色,顛覆您的遊戲體驗方式!將可拆式數字鍵區連接至您偏好的一側,接著選擇有線或無線連接模式,並點亮 Aura Sync 燈效,打造您夢寐以求的沉浸式遊戲體驗環境。在戰場上激烈廝殺時,讓 ROG RX 光學機械軸與可自訂快捷鍵為您神助攻。



可拆式數字鍵區可連接至鍵盤左側或右側,若您偏好以 TKL 模式 (80%) 使用 ROG Claymore II,亦可將數字鍵盤完全移除。同時能進行編程後做為巨集鍵盤使用,以執行複雜的遊戲指令。使用彈性極高,提供多種組合方式以配合您的遊戲風格與遊戲環境。


  • 完整 100% 配置
  • 遊戲 100% 配置
  • TKL 80% 配置




ROG RX 紅軸與 RX 青軸光學機械鍵軸提供穩定一致的無晃動擊鍵體驗,並具備 1 億次點擊壽命。上述頂級鍵軸採用空心方桿設計,並具備嵌入式 RGB LED 以提供完整的個別按鍵燈光。

Learn more


以有線或無線 2.4 GHz RF 模式進行遊戲,並享受超快 1 ms 反應時間。


無線 2.4G RF


採用 4000 mAh 電池與高效節能設計,每次充電後可以無線模式連續遊戲 43 小時。

關閉燈光時續航力高達 144 小時
開啟燈光時續航力高達 43 小時 (100% 亮度) 備註:以 100% 全尺寸配置進行測試

USB 連接埠

30 分鐘 USB-C 快速充電* 即可使用 ROG Claymore II 長達 18 小時 (關閉燈光)。關閉快速充電功能則可以使用內建 USB 連接埠輕鬆連接其他裝置。

*快速充電僅限使用 Type-C 至 Type-C 連線。按下 Fn + F12 即可切換快速充電與 USB 連接埠功能。

*只有在 Claymore II 已連接至 USB-C® 或 USB 3.0 連接埠時,才可使用 USB 連接埠功能。
*USB 連接埠可提供的最大電流為 500mA / 0.5A;需要電流高於 500mA / 0.5A 的裝置可能無法使用USB 連接埠。

按下 Fn + F12 即可切換快速充電與 USB 連接埠功能。

續航力高達 18 小時


續航力高達 8 小時




01-04 快捷鍵


預設為媒體控制鍵 :

01 – 前首樂曲
02 – 跳過樂曲
03 – 播放 / 暫停
04 – 靜音

無線 Aura Sync

您可以透過 Aura Sync RGB 控制完整的色譜及各種動態燈光效果,獨立按鍵燈光可讓您創造專屬的鍵盤風格。無線連接,並讓您的鍵盤以專屬風格照亮戰場!

  • Static 靜態
  • Breathing 呼吸
  • Color cycle 色彩循環
  • Wave 彩虹
  • Starry night 星空
  • Strobing 閃爍
  • Music Effect 音樂
  • Adaptive 情境
  • Dark 黑夜
  • Smart 智慧
ROG Strix Magnus
0 40 60 100 Low point : 40 o C High point : 60 o C
藍色 : 一般情境 黃色 : 警示情境 紅色 : 危險情境

注意:ROG 滑鼠與鍵盤之間的同步燈效可透過 Armoury Crate 軟體啟用及控制,與其他配備的同步則須透過 ASUS Aura Sync 軟體啟用及控制。


ROG Claymore II 具備磁吸式人造皮革腕托,為長時間遊戲提供舒適的使用體驗。

Armoury CRATE

Armoury Crate 可統一系統設置與燈光控制。您可以輕鬆建立、定義及自訂符合遊戲情境的設定檔、對應按鍵、錄製巨集等。

  • 內建記憶體

    最多可儲存 6 個使用者設定檔 (包含 5 個自訂檔),並可隨時隨地使用已儲存的設定檔。

  • 100% 防鬼鍵及 N 鍵指令不相衝


  • 即時巨集錄製


  • Windows 鎖定鍵

    單鍵即可停用 Windows 鍵,享受不被中斷的遊戲過程。

  • 無線接收器


  • USB-C® 轉 TYPE-A 轉接器

    隨附的轉接器可相容於配備 USB Type-A 連接埠的筆電或桌機。

  • 電量指示燈




ROG Strix Flare II

ROG Strix Flare II 機械式電競鍵盤具備 8000 Hz 輪詢率、ROG NX 機械軸、金屬媒體控制鍵以及可拆式腕托

ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe

ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe gaming keyboard for FPS gamers, with tri-mode connectivity, ROG RX Optical Mechanical Switches, wide Ctrl key, PBT keycaps, Aura Sync RGB, magnetic wrist rest, and alloy top plate.

ROG Strix Scope NX Wireless Deluxe

ROG Strix Scope NX RGB Wireless Deluxe 機械式電競鍵盤,具備三模連線功能、ROG NX 機械紅軸 / 青軸 / 茶軸、PBT 鍵帽、鋁合金上蓋、磁吸式腕托以及可提升 FPS 精準度的加寬版 Ctrl 鍵

ROG Strix Scope RX EVA Edition

ROG Strix Scope RX EVA Edition optical RGB gaming keyboard for FPS gamers, with EVA-inspired design, ROG RX optical mechanical switches, all-round Aura Sync RGB illumination, IP57 waterproof and dust resistance, USB 2.0 passthrough, and alloy top plate

ROG Falchion Ace

ROG Falchion Ace 65% 輕巧電競鍵盤具備ROG NX 機械軸,ROG 鍵軸穩定器、吸音泡綿、互動式觸控板、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三種鍵盤傾斜角度,以及保護蓋

ROG Azoth

ROG Azoth 75%無線客製化電競機械鍵盤具備矽膠Gasket結構設計、三層消音泡綿和金屬上蓋、可客製熱插拔預潤 ROG NX 機械式鍵軸、ROG 鍵盤穩定器、PBT 二色成型鍵帽和潤滑套件、三模連線含 2.4 GHz SpeedNova 技術、OLED 顯示器、三向控制旋鈕、三種傾斜角度,並支援 Mac

ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless

ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless gaming keyboard with tri-mode connection, streamer hotkeys, multifunction controls, hot-swappable pre-lubed ROG NX Snow & Storm mechanical switches, ROG keyboard stabilizers, PBT doubleshot keycaps and silicone dampening foam, three tilt angles, and wrist rest

ROG Strix Scope II

ROG Strix Scope II 電競鍵盤具備預潤 ROG NX 機械軸、消音矽膠墊、PBT 二色成型鍵帽、直播快捷鍵、多功能控制鍵、三種傾斜角度及手托


ROG Archer Backpack 17

擁有 22 升大容量,主夾層以拉鍊區隔設計,保護隨行物品

ROG Archer Weekender 17

Archer Weekender 17 主打 32 公升大容量,主隔層以拉鍊區隔,確保包內物品安全。

ROG Zephyrus G14 Sleeve (2022)

ROG Zephyrus G14 Sleeve (2022) - Express personality, fashion and stylish style

ROG Flow Sleeve (2022)

ROG Flow Sleeve (2022) - Designed to take your computer equipment with you with 3-way carry and water-repellent.

ROG Sackpack

The ROG Sackpack is a heavy-duty duffel bag that’s crafted from a mix of strong, durable and water-repellent 500D and 1680D polyester fabrics – and with a breathable mesh weave on the back to keep you cool when carrying. It boasts a barrel-shaped design to maximize the interior space that makes it ideal for all sorts of gear, so you can pack anything from your apparel to sports equipment.

ROG Backpack BP1501G Holographic Edition

ROG Backpack BP1501G Holographic Edition - The Choice of Champions

ROG Ranger Gaming Backpack 16

Pack smart, play with style

ROG Archer ErgoAir BP3800 Gaming Backpack 電競背包

  • 背部支撐區域:使用即時充氣氣流取代泡沫,輕便舒適並提供可調節的支撐,保護內部筆記型電腦套中的物品,同時還配有腰部支撐。
  • 特殊模塊化設計:提供可拆卸的頂蓋,輕鬆轉變為腰包或斜背包,輕鬆方便攜帶。
  • 智能可調節的卷頂設計:配有可調節的卷頂,可容納40L容量和18英寸筆記型電腦,ROG Archer Ergo遊戲背包確保您的所有裝備都有安全的存儲空間,無論您攜帶多少物品。
  • 完整套裝設備:包括防水雨衣、電纜組織袋。
  • 超輕200D尼龍設計:使用200D尼龍面料製成,ROG Archer Ergo遊戲背包提供輕便耐用和靈活性,確保最佳舒適度和減輕壓力,以滿足您的需求。
  • 40L容量帶筆記型電腦插槽:可容納ROG Strix G18,側面可打開以方便存取筆記型電腦。


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  • 產品規格及特色會因機型而有所差異,所有圖片也皆為說明用途,完整細節詳見產品規格頁面。
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  • 商標聲明: 本網站所談論到的產品名稱僅做識別之用,而這些名稱可能是屬於其他公司的註冊商標或是版權。
  • 本網站所提到的產品規格、應用程式、圖片及資訊僅提供參考,內容會隨時更新,恕不另行通知。
  • USB 3.0、USB3.1、USB3.2以及Type-C的實際傳輸速度將依據您的使用情境而變化,包括電腦的設備、檔案的規格以及系統配置和操作相關的其他因素而影響處理速度。