ROG Gladius III Wireless

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ROG Gladius III Wireless

經典的右手型無線電競滑鼠,具有三模連線功能 (2.4 GHz、藍牙、有線 USB 2.0)、經特別調校的 19,000 dpi 感測器、零延遲的無線連線、新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II、ROG 潮流雷雕設計、藍牙快速配對技術、ROG Omni 滑鼠腳、ROG Paracord 以及 Aura Sync RGB 同步燈效

  • 三模連線功能:無線 2.4GHz RF、藍牙低功耗、有線 USB
  • 搭載 19,000 dpi (1% 偏差並特別調校至 26,000 dpi)、400 ips 光學感測器以及 1000 Hz 輪詢率
  • 創新點擊零延遲技術,可提供即時的反應速度
  • 全新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II 設計,可快速替換機械式微動開關以及 Omron 光學微動開關,提供不同的點擊阻力並延長滑鼠使用壽命
  • ROG 微動開關提供穩定的點擊阻力與 7000 萬次點擊使用壽命
  • 滑鼠側面的雷雕 ROG 圖紋具備 RGB 燈效
  • ROG Paracord 連接線以及 100% PTFE 圓邊滑鼠腳確保靈活滑順的移動操作
  • 樞軸按鈕結構可提供快速的按鍵驅動與觸感
  • 具備藍牙快速配對技術,最多可連接三個裝置
  • 內建五個記憶體設定檔可供輕鬆儲存自訂設定
  • DPI On-The-Scroll 功能可在使用過程中輕鬆進行調整 DPI 值
  • 獨家 Armoury Crate 軟體提供輕鬆易用的設定方式



Video review from the ASUS ROG BALTICS channel

Video review from the channel HDTanel. Rating 8/10

PRODUCT REVIEW : ASUS ROG Gaming Peripherals

ROG Claymore II & Gladius III Unboxing & Review


I build a 5000€ Gaming PC !


My New 15000€ GAMING PC !

I offer him a 4200€ GAMING PC

This is once again a decent mouse that's really useful.

This is once again a decent mouse that is really useful.

This is once again a decent mouse that is really useful.

The new ROG Gladius III is... rather different from its predecessor. As someone who have used the previous two Gladius mice, let's take a look at what's new.

So... Asus ROG Malaysia kinda sent me a lot of stuff to check out in this video! A huge thanks to @ASUS Malaysia @ROG Malaysia for these items! I had a blast unboxing them!

A hotswap mouse? Yes, the ASUS ROG Gladius III is a new wireless mouse from ROG that has a hotswap socket for switches.

Unbox session and taking a look at the mouse of dreams - the ROG Gladius I II Wireless

ROG Strix Scope NX TKL & ROG Gladius III Wireless by ASUS - The Best Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Combo!

Should you buy the Asus ROG Gladius 3 Wireless?

Mouse Kayangan? Pernah terfikir mouse dengan rekaan biasa biasa tapi untuk gaming ada pelbagai fungsi tersembunyi sebenarnya.Jom kita review Asus Gladius III Malaysia Gaming Mouse

ROG peripherals untuk gaming room setup? Jom tengok

We reviewed each mice for at least 1 month and a half, most of them being 2 months each. We would have included more mice into the mix but we don't have a contact yet with Steel Series and stopped acquiring Razer mice because they just don't last long (between Anton and I, we have bought 5 razer mice over the years and just are not happy with longevity)

Light and customizable, with PixArt PAW 3370

[Latest Gaming Mouse] ASUS ROG is getting really serious about this.

Kita rasa ASUS ROG Gladius III Wireless punya banyak benefit besar buat gamer enthusiast, seperti performa, kenyamanan, estetika termasuk kemudahan. Penasaran? Pantengin terus videonya ya!

ASUS ROG Gladius III | Mouse Gaming Wireless Hotswap

Akhirnya ASUS Ngerti Yang Bagus Itu Gimana 😘 | ROG CLAYMORE II & GLADIUS 3

Banyak Yang Baru Dari ASUS ROG | Review Mouse ASUS ROG Keris & Gladius III

Review the new ROG Gaminf Gear

My setup is all ASUS ROG and includes a build enclosed in the ROG Hyperion GR701 case, the ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless keyboard, the fantastic ROG Moonstone Ace L glass mat, the lightweight ROG Harpe Ace Aim Lab Edition mouse, the ROG Falchion ace mini keyboard and the Rog Gladius III mouse.

This mouse, which can be used both wired and wireless, allows you to use either optical or mechanical in its switches.

If you say that I am talented, but my equipment limits my abilities, then you can take your performance and talent to a higher level by buying such beautiful equipment.

ASUS ROG Gladius III is a great lineup update; Compared to the previous version, both models, both wired and wireless, have significantly reduced weight and an updated sensor. Other advantages - first of all, good ergonomics, high responsiveness and the ability to replace switches - also did not disappear.

Those few little things which could have been better in Claymore, ARE better in Claymore II.

The best gaming mouse ever you can try it!

Video review from the channel TheTanelChannel. Rating 8/10

Rated 8 out of 10

Rating 8 to 10

Video review from the channel Uldons TV

Video review from the channel Nedoleris (YT ROG Baltics)

Because of all that has been shown, ROG Gladius III mice in their wired and wireless variants deserve AX Platinum award.

The ASUS ROG Gladius III is the second mouse in a series to bring the PixART 3370 sensor to the test in a package that targets a specific type of gamer. If you like mice that have a very high profile and generally do not look for the lightest mouse on the market - this model could be very interesting for you.



ROG Gladius III Wireless 具有三模連線功能 (2.4 GHz、藍牙、有線 USB 2.0) 及 19,000 dpi (1% 偏差並調校至 26,000 dpi),以提供接近零延遲與無可匹敵的精準度。其人體工學外型為長期遊戲提供舒適性,獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II 可確保相容於機械式與 Omron 光學微動開關。具備彈性 ROG Paracord 連接線與圓邊 100% TPFE 滑鼠腳,提供極為流暢的滑動,在滑鼠的防滑材質側身設有雷雕 ROG 圖紋,並搭載 RGB 燈效。




ROG Gladius III Wireless 的經典右手型設計適合各種右手握持方式,提供長時間使用的舒適性。其重量比前代產品輕 30%,可帶來更敏捷流暢的控制力。


ROG Gladius III Wireless 可透過超快速的 2.4 GHZ、藍牙低功耗或有線 USB 進行連線。使用者可選擇最符合使用情境的連線方式。

Wired USB

有線 USB

RF 2.4 Ghz

RF 2.4 Ghz




高階光學感測器提供您需要的準確性與精準度。Gladius III Wireless 提供 100 – 26,000 dpi (僅 1% 偏差,領先同級產品),在 50g 的加速度下,能提供高達每秒 400 英吋的精準追蹤速度。2.4 GHz 與有線模式皆提供 1000 Hz 的輪詢率,具備零延遲的反應速度,可提供即時的控制。

* ROG Gladius III Wireless 搭載 19,000 dpi 光學感測器,並經特別調校為 26,000 dpi。

26,000 DPI Resolution


ROG Gladius III Wireless 具備獨特的樞軸按鈕結構,使按鍵與微動開關之間幾乎零間隙,以提供瞬時反應的精準度。特別調校的韌體可過濾意外的點擊,在激烈的戰場上提供玩家絕對勝利優勢。

獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II

全球首創可更換微動開關插槽 II,可讓您快速更換傳統 3-pin 機械式微動開關以及最新的 5-pin Omron® 光學微動開關。經強化的插槽可降低晃動,以提供穩定的按鍵點擊手感。藉由更換不同手感與特性的微動開關,此創新的插槽設計可讓您彈性選擇最符合個人遊戲風格的微動開關。

ROG 微動開關

全新 ROG 微動開關提供 7000 萬次點擊壽命和鍍金電接面,以提升耐用性。嚴格的 ROG 製造標準可確保每顆微動開關皆經過檢查及篩選,並將左右微動開關進行配對以確保力道偏差在 +/- 5 公克範圍內,以提供穩定一致的點擊手感。

7000 萬次點擊 使用壽命
+/- 5 公克 左/右微動開關力道偏差
鍍金 電接面


使用 2.4 GHz RF 連線可享受 55 小時的遊戲時間,使用藍牙連線* 續航力則高達 85 小時。
*電池續航力測試以關閉 RGB 模式進行







OMNI 滑鼠腳

具備 100% 鐵氟龍 (PTFE) 滑鼠腳採用圓邊設計,可在任何表面上輕鬆滑動。




ROG Gladius III Wireless 上的 ROG Logo、滾輪以及側面的 ROG 圖紋皆搭載 ROG Aura RGB 燈效。雷雕的側板也具備特殊閃爍效果,使用者可自訂其燈效顏色。

  • Static 靜態
  • Breathing 呼吸
  • Color cycle 色彩循環
  • Reactive 觸發
  • Rainbow 彩虹
  • Comet 彗星
  • Partition 分區
  • Battery mode 電量指示
ROG Strix Magnus
0 40 60 100 Low point : 40 o C High point : 60 o C
Note: Only when devices with monitoring capabilities are present.
Blue : Normal scenes Yellow : Alert scenes Red : Danger/ Hurting


Armoury Crate 可讓您輕鬆調校 ROG Gladius III Wireless 以符合您遊戲的方式,包括調整效能以及表面校準設定、程式和地圖按鈕、自訂燈光效果等。


  ROG Gladius Wireless ROG Gladius
連接能力 有線、RF 2.4 GHz、藍牙 有線
感測器 19,000 dpi
(可調校至 26,000 dpi)
19,000 dpi
(可調校至 26,000 dpi)
最高速率 / 最大加速度 400 ips / 50 g 400 ips / 50 g
獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II V V
微動開關 ROG 微動開關 (7000 萬次點擊壽命) ROG 微動開關 (7000 萬次點擊壽命)
電池續航力 (關閉 RGB 燈效) RF 2.4GHz: 55 小時
Bluetooth: 85 小時
DPI On-The-Scroll V V
可編程按鍵 6 6
側鍵 2 2
RGB Lighting Effects 3 區 RGB 燈效
(LoLogo / 滾輪 / 側面)
3 區 RGB 燈效
(LoLogo / 滾輪 / 側面)
雷雕 ROG 潮流設計 V V
藍牙快速配對科技 V (最多連接 3 台裝置) -
內建儲存設定檔 5 5
重量 89g 79g
體積 126 x 67 x 45 mm 126 x 67 x 45 mm
連接線類型 2 m Paracord 連接線 2 m Paracord 連接線



ROG Keris Wireless

輕量 FPS 無線電競滑鼠,具備三模連線功能 (有線 / 2.4 GHz / 藍牙)、特別調校的 ROG 16,000 dpi 感測器、獨家可更換微動開關插槽、PBT 材質左右按鍵、可拆換側鍵、ROG Omni 滑鼠腳、ROG Paracord 連接線以及 Aura Sync RGB 燈效

ROG Gladius III

經典右手型電競滑鼠,搭載經特別調校的 19,000 dpi 感測器、新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II、ROG 潮流雷雕設計、ROG Omni 滑鼠腳、ROG Paracord 以及 Aura Sync RGB 同步燈效

ROG Spatha X

無線電競滑鼠具備雙模連線功能 (有線 / 2.4 GHz)、磁吸式充電底座、12 顆可編程按鍵、經特別調校的 19,000 dpi 光學感測器、獨家可更換微動開關插槽、ROG 微動開關、ROG Paracord 以及 Aura Sync RGB 燈效

ROG Chakram X

ROG Chakram X 無線 RGB 電競滑鼠搭載 36,000 dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、8000 Hz 輪詢率、三模連線 (2.4 GHz / 藍牙 / 有線)、11 顆可編程按鍵、類比搖桿,以及第二代可更換微動插槽,適用 3-pin 機械式與 5-pin 光學微動開關

ROG Keris Wireless EVA Edition

ROG Keris, ROG Keris Wireless gaming mouse, EVA edition mouse, Bluetooth gaming mouse, Wired gaming mouse, lightweight mouse, Swappable mouse switches, Mouse for FPS, Ergonomic mouse

ROG Gladius III Wireless AimPoint

79g 輕量的無線 RGB 電競滑鼠,配備 36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、具備三模連線(2.4 GHz、藍牙、有線 USB 2.0)、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、新一代獨家可更換微動開關插槽 II、ROG 微動開關、0 毫秒點擊延遲樞軸按鈕機構、人體工學設計、ROG Paracord、100% PTFE 滑鼠腳、六個可編程按鈕和滑鼠防滑貼。

ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint

The ROG Keris Wireless AimPoint lightweight 75-gram wireless RGB gaming mouse features a 36,000 dpi ROG AimPoint optical sensor, tri-mode connectivity, ROG SpeedNova wireless technology, swappable mouse switches, ROG Micro Switches, PBT buttons, ROG Paracord, 100% PTFE mouse feet, five programmable buttons, ROG mouse grip tape.

ROG Chakram X Origin

ROG Chakram X 無線 RGB 電競滑鼠搭載 36,000 dpi ROG AimPoint 光學感測器、8000 Hz 輪詢率、三模連線 (2.4 GHz / 藍牙 / 有線)、11 顆可編程按鍵、類比搖桿,以及第二代可更換微動插槽,適用 3-pin 機械式與 5-pin 光學微動開關



ROG Eye S USB 攝影機支援 Full HD 60fps 串流,具備 AI 降噪麥克風提升串流音訊品質,精巧可折疊的設計更便於攜帶以及安裝在任何筆電上

ROG Archer Backpack 17

擁有 22 升大容量,主夾層以拉鍊區隔設計,保護隨行物品

ROG Archer Weekender 17

Archer Weekender 17 主打 32 公升大容量,主隔層以拉鍊區隔,確保包內物品安全。

ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe

ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe gaming keyboard for FPS gamers, with tri-mode connectivity, ROG RX Optical Mechanical Switches, wide Ctrl key, PBT keycaps, Aura Sync RGB, magnetic wrist rest, and alloy top plate.

ROG Strix Scope NX Wireless Deluxe

ROG Strix Scope NX RGB Wireless Deluxe 機械式電競鍵盤,具備三模連線功能、ROG NX 機械紅軸 / 青軸 / 茶軸、PBT 鍵帽、鋁合金上蓋、磁吸式腕托以及可提升 FPS 精準度的加寬版 Ctrl 鍵

ROG Sackpack

The ROG Sackpack is a heavy-duty duffel bag that’s crafted from a mix of strong, durable and water-repellent 500D and 1680D polyester fabrics – and with a breathable mesh weave on the back to keep you cool when carrying. It boasts a barrel-shaped design to maximize the interior space that makes it ideal for all sorts of gear, so you can pack anything from your apparel to sports equipment.

ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless

ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless gaming keyboard with tri-mode connection, streamer hotkeys, multifunction controls, hot-swappable pre-lubed ROG NX Snow & Storm mechanical switches, ROG keyboard stabilizers, PBT doubleshot keycaps and silicone dampening foam, three tilt angles, and wrist rest

ROG Azoth Extreme

ROG Azoth Extreme 75% gaming custom keyboard featuring a full aluminum alloy chassis, carbon fiber positioning plate, adjustable gasket mount, full-color OLED touchscreen with three-way control knob, extended wrist rest, magnetic feet, tri-mode connectivity with 2.4 GHz SpeedNova technology, hot-swappable pre-lubed ROG NX mechanical switches, and Mac support


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