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ROG Nebula HDR branding and logo, on a space themed blue and purple background.
ROG “Dauntless Eye” logo, on a space themed blue and purple background.
Mini LED
1100 尼特
Nebula HDR 引擎
pause nebula animation play nebula animation

對於要求最佳動態和圖像清晰度的遊戲玩家,Zephyrus M16 提供極為優異的 Nebula HDR 顯示器,具有 240Hz 更新率、100% DCI-P3 廣色域和驚人的 1,100 尼特峰值亮度,可實現令人驚嘆的 HDR 遊戲體驗。16 吋 16:10 Mini LED 面板提供令人驚豔的深邃黑色,無論您在看電影還是玩動作快速的競技場射擊遊戲,皆能感受到栩栩如生的逼真效果。此外,具有 QHD 解析度及 240Hz 更新率的面板,擁有高達 92% 螢幕佔比,帶來零延遲且更沉浸的遊戲體驗。

nvidia g-sync
PANTONE<sup>®</sup> ValidatedDolby VISIONVESA certified DisplayHDR 1000


享受 ROG Zephyrus M16 的便攜性與多功能性,而不犧牲 Windows 11 Home 的遊戲效能。ROG Zephyrus M16 搭載第 13 代 Intel® Core i9-13900H 處理器,可快速進行遊戲和多工處理。最高支援 NVIDIA® GeForce RTX 4080 筆記型電腦 GPU,讓您安心自在進行遊戲。有了專用 MUX 獨顯直連、NVIDIA® Advanced Optimus 和 G-SYNC 支援,每款遊戲都能以最佳效能運行,不會出現破圖。自由移動,隨時隨地、隨心所欲進行創作、串流及遊戲。

Windows 11 Home
最高第13代 Intel®
Core i9-13900H
最高 NVIDIA® GeForce
RTX 4080
筆記型電腦 GPU
2TB PCIe® 4.0
SSD 儲存裝置
64GB 4800Hz
DDR5 記憶體
具有 Dynamic Boost 的
GPU 功能
Intel logo on a dark background.

第 13 代 Intel® Core i9 處理器

搭載第13代 Intel® Core™ i9-13900H 處理器,採用專為 Windows 11 打造的混合架構,為各種遊戲或創作專案提供動力。憑藉多達 6 個效能核心和 8 個效率核心,輕鬆載入 3A 遊戲大作和進行串流。

14 核心
8 個 E-core + 6 個 P-core


頂級元件需要電源,尤其是對於最先進的顯示卡效能而言。NVIDIA® GeForce RTX 4080 筆電 GPU 最大 TGP 高達 150W,可完全釋放其運算能力,這都是得力於 Dynamic Boost 提供的額外 25W。更高功率限制可讓顯示卡在長時間內提升效能,發揮電腦最大效能,以實現最高畫格率。

最高 NVIDIA® GeForce
RTX 4080
筆記型電腦 GPU
最大 TGP
使用 Dynamic Boost
*on Manual mode
NVIDIA® Advanced Optimus 技術
NVIDIA logo on a dark ROG themed background.


GeForce RTX 40 系列筆記型電腦

Side by side screenshots of gameplay, on the left showing low FPS with DLSS disabled and ray tracing turned on, with the right showing substantially higher FPS with DLSS 3 enabled along with ray tracing.


借助人工智慧驅動的 DLSS 3,在遊戲和創作應用程式中實現效能躍進,並透過全光線追蹤實現逼真的虛擬世界。

*《電馭叛客 2077》圖像使用新的光線追蹤技術:以超速模式開啟,僅供說明使用。實際性能因系統而異。

Image of a seahorse with 3D creation software, on three panels showing the various stages of modeling and coloring.


NVIDIA Studio 將您的創作專案提升至全新境界。解鎖頂級創作應用程式中的 RTX 和 AI 加速、可實現最大穩定性的 NVIDIA Studio 驅動程式,以及一套可加速您的創意發想的獨家工具。

Image of God of War on a laptop screen, with the left half of the machine being much thicker with larger bezels, and the right half showing more modern thin and light gaming laptops.


NVIDIA Max-Q 是一套進階人工智慧技術,可最佳化您的系統以實現最高效率,進而實現輕薄、安靜且具備驚人電池續航力的超快速筆記型電腦。

Further With AI,Faster on RTX
Get next-level AI performance on GeForce RTX.
Discover the RTX AI advantage. Built for the era of AI, GeForce RTX™ GPUs feature specialized AI Tensor Cores that deliver cutting-edge performance and revolutionary capabilities. Harness exclusive AI features and transform the way you work and play. From enhanced creativity and ultra-efficient productivity to blisteringly fast gaming, the ultimate in AI power on Windows PCs is on RTX – today and tomorrow.
ROG SAGA character SE7EN partially rendered above the Zephyrus M16’s keyboard, with game development software and a cityscape scene seen on screen.


Zephyrus M16 專為遊戲玩家和遊戲開發者所打造。Zephyrus M16 可以執行所有最新的遊戲引擎,協助您釋放創意能力並嘗試創作新事物。無論您是數位藝術家、直播主、影片編輯,還是涉足動畫和遊戲開發,Zephyrus M16 都擁有將您的創作提升到全新境界所需的全部功能。

ROG Zephyrus M16 以多年的智慧散熱經驗為基礎,不斷突破超便攜筆電的能力界限。我們的三風扇技術和獨特的全尺寸散熱器將 M16 從輕薄筆電推升至真正的電競筆電。Zephyrus M16 配備 Thermal Grizzly 液態金屬散熱化合物、獨特的三風扇散熱模組,並透過 0dB 環境散熱技術達到完全靜音,實現強大的散熱技術。

Thermal Grizzly
Liquid Metal


ROG 動態編程 LED 顯示器 (AniMe Matrix™) 和虛擬寵物 OMNI 都經過升級。有了更多的 LED,表示可以展現更豐富的動畫效果,而 OMNI 帶著一整套小遊戲回歸,例如:吃角子老虎機、射擊遊戲和打地鼠。隨著您進步,遊戲還將點亮ROG 動態編程 LED 顯示器 (AniMe Matrix),並且隨著 OMNI 加入您的桌面,獲得高分並將解鎖更多 OMNI 動畫。


透過可自訂的動畫選項,打造專屬於您的 Zephyrus M16。顯示文字訊息或系統通知,設置 Matrix 以即時回應您的音訊來源,

Front view of the active AniMe Matrix™ modes, with “Zephyrus M16” written on screen.


ROG 專屬的 OMNI 吉祥物,是個有趣的夥伴,同時也是與使用者互動的個人助理。OMNI 在啟用之後會在您的桌面上活動,並即時反應系統負載與電池電量的變化。您亦可將虛擬寵物設定為在 Zephyrus M16 的 ROG 動態編程 LED 顯示器 (AniMe Matrix)上活動。

View of the laptop screen, with OMNI and his virtual assistant options on screen.

當您想要調整設定、監控溫度或改裝電競筆電時,Armoury Crate 是您的指揮中心。即時監控讓您可以掌握 GPU、CPU 和記憶體的運作狀態。RGB 可以透過 Aura Sync 針對不同遊戲個別進行調整。風扇和電源設定檔可讓您即時變更電競筆電的噪音、電源供應和散熱特性。獨家遊戲優惠讓您的遊戲庫永遠有玩不完的遊戲。

View of the main splash page of Armoury Crate.

ROG GameVisual 軟體提供六種經過專業調校的圖形模式,以最佳化特定遊戲類型的視覺體驗。例如,第一人稱射擊 (FPS) 模式可提升黑暗環境中的能見度,讓您能比潛伏於陰影中的敵人更快舉槍瞄準對方。使用 GameVisual,讓您從遊戲庫的每一款遊戲獲得最佳體驗。

View of the Game Visual settings menu in Armoury Crate.

情境配置 (Scenario Profiles) 的基本功能包括自動切換為安靜、效能或加速模式。您也可以為其他重要的系統設定定義應用程式專屬的偏好設定,例如燈光效果組態,以及是否要啟用 Windows 鍵或觸控板。Armoury Crate 會根據當下的作業需求立即進行調整,您也可以設定各個設定檔,使其完全符合您的需求。

View of the Scenario Profiles settings menu in Armoury Crate.


Infographic highlighting the dimensions of the M16.
1.99 cm
< 2.3 kg
提供旗艦級遊戲效能,但完全不犧牲可攜性。M16 重量不到 2.3 公斤,厚度不到 2 公分,可以輕鬆隨身攜帶。
View of the screen, and information on the battery life of the M16.
90Wh 電池
配備 90Wh 大電池,讓您遠離牆壁插座,自信工作與享受遊戲與娛樂體驗。
Profile view of the M16, with information on fast charging.
50% 電力僅需 30 分鐘
快速充電功能可進一步支援這種行動能力,只要 30 分鐘即可將 M16 的電量從 0% 充電到 50%。
View of the main screen, with Windows Hello information.
FHD 1080p 視訊鏡頭
紅外線攝影機搭配 Windows Hello 可確保無縫解鎖,即使在光線不足的環境也沒問題。
Windows Hello logo
View of the M16, with a radio wave icon in the background to emphasize Wi-Fi
WiFi 6 Certified
全面支援 Wi-Fi 6E 新標準,即使網路壅塞,M16 也能獲得頻寬級連線。


Zephyrus M16 的多向音訊系統簡化了串流、錄音和遊戲體驗。搭載 Dolby Atmos® 杜比全景聲環繞音效技術、兩個高音單體,再加上雙 Force-Canceling 重低音喇叭,可呈現精美平衡的聲響效果,並採用重新設計的揚聲器模式。可自訂的 3D 麥克風陣列能在各種情境下擷取音訊,而雙向 AI 降噪技術能讓您同時消除麥克風輸入及對方傳入音訊中的噪音。

6 支揚聲器
3D 麥克風
雙向 AI
Dolby AtmosHi-Res Audio
View of the M16 screen with audio editing software open, with stylized sound waves coming from the device.



使用全新 Stealth Type 靜音型鍵盤保持低調,讓按鍵敲擊聲維持在 30dB 以下。利用 N 鍵不相衝技術快速鍵入複雜指令,確保按下的每個按鍵皆準確觸發,而 Overstroke 技術可降低每個鍵的致動點,帶來毫不費力的輸入體驗。憑藉 2,000 萬次敲擊使用壽命、1.7 公釐行程距離和發光鍵帽,您在未來幾年將能於所有條件下舒適地打字。

< 30 dB
2,000 萬次


多種 I/O 連接埠可讓您保持連線,隨時隨地維持生產力。除了配備支援 DisplayPort™ 1.4 和 Power Delivery 3.0 的多功能 Thunderbolt™ 4 連接埠之外,另外也提供兩個 USB 3.2 Type-A 連接埠,可連接電競滑鼠、搖桿等配件。驅動 4K 高更新率顯示器,或使用專用 HDMI 2.1 連接埠驅動高達 8K 60Hz 的顯示器。MicroSD 插槽可讓創作者隨時隨地輕鬆拍攝、編輯和處理大量的圖像和影片。

Left and right profile view of the M16, with labeling of all I/O ports.
USB 4 Type-C with Thunderbolt™ 4, DisplayPort™ 1.4, 和 Power Delivery 3.0
HDMI 2.1
USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A
3.5mm 音訊插孔
MicroSD (UHS-II)
USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C with DisplayPort™ 1.4 和 Power Delivery 3.0
USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A
Kensington 防盜鎖


以 ROG 配件玩出獨特風格。使用 ROG Gladius III 滑鼠上的 19,000 DPI 感測器,精確瞄準您的目標。使用 ROG Fusion II 300 耳機讓自己沉浸在豐富逼真的音效中,並使用飾有 RGB 燈條且耐用的 15 吋 ROG Ranger 背包安全攜帶。


dicovery your next favorite game

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate


在您的電腦、遊戲主機、手機或平板電腦上,與朋友一起遊玩 100 多款高品質遊戲,僅需以划算的月費負擔。* 隨著新遊戲不斷推出,您隨時都有最新的遊戲可以遊玩。

*適用條款及除外條款。遊戲目錄內容因時間、地區和裝置而異。詳細資訊請參閱 xbox.com/gamepass 和 https://www.ea.com/eaplay/terms。Xbox 雲端遊戲:適用串流限制。需要相容的控制器 (另行販售)、支援的裝置和 Xbox Game Pass 應用程式;請參閱系統需求。系統需求因遊戲而異;效能隨更高階的系統而變化。

ROG Backpack gallery one ROG Backpack gallery ROG Backpack gallery
ROG Backpack gallery
ROG Backpack gallery
ROG Backpack gallery
ROG Backpack



M16 is able to support higher tier GPUs and higher power limits compared to G16.

2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 - Transcend your reality. | ROG

Kedua-dua ROG gaming laptop ni menawarkan ROG Nebula Display untuk memberikan visual yang terunggul kepada gamers gamers di seluruh dunia!

Buy this laptop for its excellent build quality fantastic display and speakers excellent giving performance

The new Zephyrus M16 is a super powerful laptop, suitable not only for gamers but also creative professionals

ROG LAPTOP PC!!!!!!!! Which of all do I buy?

A team with brutal features and a simply brutal design

ROG Zephyrus M16 (2023) with i9-13900H/RTX4090/32Gb, the best of current gaming

Recreating MATRIX with a Zephyrus M16

Apex, Performance: 13th Generation! ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16 GU604 Review

💻RTX 4090 탑재?! 초고사양 노트북을 소개합니다 [ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS M16 GU604]

2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 - A feast for the senses.

RTX 4090 performance comes at a price ... literally - Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 Review

ASUS Zephyrus G16 & Zephyrus M16 - GoodBye AMD! 😔

New ASUS Gaming Laptops in 2023 are CRAZY!

2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 - A feast for the senses.

2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 - Official unboxing video | ROG

ASUS Zephyrus M16 (2023) - The Small Details!

ASUS Zephyrus M16 (2023) Review - New & Improved!

THE Laptop to Get Right Now.

ASUS Sent Over Something Huge...

ROG Just Made the Unicorn Laptop - 2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 - The XPS 15 & MacBook Pro 16 Killer

The ROG Zephyrus M16 2023 gaming laptop comes with RTX 4090... and a slot machine!😂[REVIEW]

ASUS Zephyrus G16 & Zephyrus M16 - GoodBye AMD! 😔

RTX 4090 performance comes at a price ... literally - Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 Review

New ASUS Gaming Laptops in 2023 are CRAZY!

Najlepszy Laptop Gamingowy❓ | ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS M16

CRAZY power and the BEST DISPLAY! ROG Zephyrus M16!

Slim, powerful – ROG Zephyrus M16 2023

ROG Zephyrus M16 2023: fandom in every millimeter.


Video review from the channel Godhyr

Video review from the channel ASUS ROG CIS

Видеообзор от канала ТЕХНОБЛОГ АЛИША

Видеообзор от канала ALSER kz

Video review from the channel BIGBOX

Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS

Видеообзор от канала Texnoplov

Видеообзор от канала KIBER UZ

Video review from the channel MrBegėdis

2023 ROG Zephyrus M16 감각을 초월한 게이밍 퍼포먼스

So với phiên bản đầu tiên được nâng cấp sau một thời gian xuất hiện dưới cái tên Zephyrus M15, chiếc máy này đã chứng tỏ được về hiệu năng và trải nghiệm nó mang lại, nhưng đi kèm đó cũng là một mức giá cao mà không phải ai cũng có thể vượt qua được.

Giá trị thực của Zephyrus M16 2023? Laptop mỏng nhẹ - Mạnh mẽ - Cá tính nhưng có quá đắt?

Đây là laptop Gaming màn hình đẹp vô địch, 240Hz miniLED - ROG Zephyrus M16 2023 review

ROG Zephyrus M16 - thay đổi lớn từ thiết kế tới màn hình nhưng vẫn cực mạnh với Core i9 13900H

Tổng quan về chiếc laptop gaming ROG Zephyrus M16 2023 trang bị AniMe Matrix™ với CPU i9-13900H cùng tấm nền ROG Nebula HDR 16:10 Mini LED 2K.

ROG Zephyrus M16, laptop dành riêng cho game thủ và người sáng tạo nội dung được trang bị GPU lên đến NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 kèm công nghệ MUX Switch và NVIDIA Advanced Optimus sẽ chiến Game như thế nào?

ROG Zephyrus M16 - Chiếc Laptop CẤU HÌNH KHỦNG! Ước mơ của bao anh em!!

Đánh giá ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16: Đẹp - Mạnh - Đẳng cấp

Tầm 60-70 triệu, phân vân ROG Flow X16 vs ROG Zephyrus M16?

ROG Zephyrus M16 (2023) là một dòng máy hội tụ đầy đủ yếu tố tinh túy nhất của một chiếc laptop: vừa cấu hình khủng lên tới Intel Core i9 và RTX 4070 32GB RAM, vừa có màn hình rất đẹp 2K Mini LED 240Hz, vừa có phong cách thiết kế cực kỳ chất và cá tính

A thin and light gaming notebook with full specifications with a 16-inch 16:10 screen and comes with full options such as AniMe Matrix™ on the back cover of the machine that can be customized in many different ways, ready ROG Nebula Display screen with a resolution of 2K(QHD+) 240Hz passes Pantone Validated standards and supports Dolby Vision HDR.

It is a gaming laptop that is thin and light in use.

ROG Zephyrus M16 is another light and powerful laptop. Excellent cooling system The back cover has AniMe Matrix lights that can be customized.

Strong specification, size, weight, easy to carry, can work to cover the screen well, but the device is quite hot. The battery is not as long as it should be.

s a notebook that weighs only 2.1 kilograms that has a strong specification that works in a variety of formats with a straight color screen

Even better than the MacBook Pro 16-inch. Whether you are a gamer or a content creator, this M16 is the best for 2023 gaming laptops, which can be said to be the most perfect laptop.

Thin & Light, Best Laptop for Work & Play - ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16 (2023)

It's like helping a horse with horns, the best premium, thin & light gaming laptop

Beautiful & Powerful Gaming Laptop - ROG Zephyrus M16

Overview of ROG Nebula and ROG Nebula HDR displays

Видеообзор от канала Pakapak




ROG Flow X16 (2023) GV601

  • GeForce RTX™ 4070 Laptop GPU
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9
  • Up to 16 inch, Mini LED, WQXGA (2560 x 1600) 16:10, Refresh Rate:240Hz, ROG Nebula HDR Display
  • Up to 16GB DDR5-4800 SO-DIMM x 2
  • Up to 2TB M.2 NVMe™ PCIe® 4.0 Performance SSD (RAID 0)

ROG Zephyrus G14 (2023) GA402

  • GeForce RTX™ 4090 Laptop GPU
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • AMD Ryzen™ 9
  • Up to 14 inch, QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA),Refresh Rate: 165Hz, ROG Nebula Display
  • Up to 16GB DDR5 on board + 16GB DDR5-4800 SO-DIMM
  • Up to 1TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 Performance SSD

ROG Zephyrus G16 (2023) GU603

  • Windows 11 家用版 - ASUS 推薦商務用 Windows 11 專業版
  • 搭載 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-13620H 處理器
  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4060 獨立遊戲顯示卡
  • 16 吋 QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA) 240Hz ROG Nebula 螢幕
  • 16GB 記憶體,1TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 固態硬碟

ROG Strix G16 (2023) G614

  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070 Laptop GPU
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9
  • Up to 16 inch, WQXGA (2560 x 1600) 16:10, Refresh Rate:240Hz, ROG Nebula Display
  • Up to 16GB DDR5-4800 SO-DIMM x 2
  • Up to 2TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 SSD

ROG Strix G18 (2023) G814

  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070 Laptop GPU
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9
  • Up to 18 inch, QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA), Refresh Rate:240Hz, ROG Nebula Display
  • Up to 16GB DDR5-4800 SO-DIMM x 2
  • Up to 2TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 SSD

ROG Zephyrus G16 (2024) GU605


  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090 Laptop GPU
  • Up to Windows 11 Pro
  • Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 Processor 185H
  • Up to 16-inch, QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA), OLED, Refresh Rate:240Hz, ROG Nebula Display
  • Up to 16GB*2 LPDDR5X on board
  • Up to 2TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 Performance SSD

ROG Strix SCAR 18 (2024) G834


  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090 Laptop GPU
  • Up to Windows 11 Pro
  • Intel® Core™ i9 Processor 14900HX
  • Up to 18-inch, QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA), Mini LED, Refresh Rate:240Hz, ROG Nebula HDR Display
  • Up to 32GB DDR5-5600 SO-DIMM
  • Up to 2TB + 2TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 Performance SSD

ROG Strix SCAR 16 (2024) G634

  • 最高支援 NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 4080 顯示卡 (最大 TGP 高達 175W)
  • 搭載 Intel® Core™ i9 處理器 14900HX,支援 24 核心 32 執行緒,最高 TDP 達 65W
  • 最高支援32GB DDR5-5600及2TB + 2TB PCIe® 4.0 NVMe™ M.2 SSD
  • 16 吋 Nebula 霓真技術電競螢幕,採用 Mini LED 面板,擁有超過 2,000 個調光區、16:10 長寬比、QHD 240Hz/3ms 和 100% DCI-P3 廣色域,鮮豔流暢
  • 配備 MUX 獨顯直連開關,含 NVIDIA Advanced Optimus 及 DLSS 3 技術
  • Dolby Vision 影像技術和 Dolby Atmos 杜比全景聲環繞音效技術
  • 支援PD Type-C 快速充電
  • 支援三風扇散熱技術、環狀出風設計和 Conductonaut Extreme 液態金屬



  • GeForce RTX™ 3090
  • Windows 11
  • 13th Intel® Core™ i9
  • 64GB DDR5 U-DIMM (16G 4800 x 4)
  • 1TB Gen4 Performance PCIe SSD *2+ 2TB SATA 7200RPM 3.5" HDD

ROG Strix G22CH G22CH

  • up to 40 series graphics card
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 CPU
  • 32GB DDR5-4800 SO-DIMM (16G x 2 )
  • 1TB Gen4 Performance PCIe SSD + 1TB Gen4 Performance PCIe SSD

ROG Strix G13CH G13CH

  • Up to GeForce RTX™ 40 series graphics card
  • Windows 11
  • 13th Intel® Core™ i7
  • 64GB DDR4 U-DIMM (16G 3200 x 4)
  • 1TB Gen4 Performance PCIe SSD + 1TB SATA 7200RPM 3.5" HDD 

ROG Strix G16CH

  • GeForce RTX™ 4080
  • Windows 11
  • 13th Intel® Core™ i7
  • 64GB DDR4 U-DIMM (16G 3200 x 4)
  • PCIe Gen4 SSD 1TB Performance + 3.5' 2TB HDD

ROG Strix G16CHR

  • GeForce RTX™ 4080
  • Windows 11
  • 14th Intel® Core™ i7
  • 64GB DDR5 U-DIMM (16G 3200 x 4)
  • PCIe Gen4 SSD 1TB Performance + 3.5' 2TB HDD

Product has High-Definition Multimedia Interface


  • This device supports Wi-Fi 6E, the newest standard in wireless networking. Please note that Wi-Fi 6E is not yet available in all regions. If your country has not opened up the necessary Wi-Fi bands, this device will use the best connection available. ROG will release a software update to enable Wi-Fi 6E when it's available in your region.
  • The standard Asus test environment for battery life is as follows: Windows operating system, display module with 150 nits of brightness, lighting off, and other application settings.
  • Video Playback: Testing is done with Wi-Fi/Bluetooth off, Windows Power Plan set to Balanced, Taskbar Power Mode set to Battery Saver, system volume at 67%, and video at full screen, 1080p resolution
  • Web Browsing: Testing is done with Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, Windows Power Plan set to Balanced, Taskbar Power Mode set to Better Battery, and using the Weblooper Top50 website in Google Chrome to play the video with a refresh time of 10 seconds.
  • Factors that affect battery life include laptop configuration, power settings, and the way it is used. Battery capacity fades with its cycle count and age.
  • Quick-charging times apply when using the proper ASUS/ROG adapter included alongside the select model and the system is powered off (via the "shut down" command). In compatible scenarios, batteries can be recharged to 50% within 30 minutes under the optimal temperature range of 20-45 degrees Celsius. Charging times may vary +/- 10% due to system tolerance.
  • HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface、HDMI 商業外觀及 HDMI 識別標章等詞彙均為 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。
  • The actual HDMI version of the products should be checked in the product specifications page respectively.
  • RJ45 不支援 PoE cable 設備,不當使用恐造成設備損壞。
  • 經由美國聯邦通信委員會及加拿大工業部認證的產品會於美國及加拿大販售。請造訪 ASUS USA 及 ASUS Canada 以獲得當地產品的資訊。
  • 產品規格及資訊會隨時更新,恕不另行通知,請與供應商聯繫以獲得確切資訊。各地區所販售的產品可能不同。
  • 產品規格及特色會因機型而有所差異,所有圖片也皆為說明用途,完整細節詳見產品規格頁面。
  • PCB 顏色及軟體版本會隨時更新,恕不另行通知。
  • 商標聲明: 本網站所談論到的產品名稱僅做識別之用,而這些名稱可能是屬於其他公司的註冊商標或是版權。
  • 本網站所提到的產品規格、應用程式、圖片及資訊僅提供參考,內容會隨時更新,恕不另行通知。
  • USB 3.0、USB3.1、USB3.2以及Type-C的實際傳輸速度將依據您的使用情境而變化,包括電腦的設備、檔案的規格以及系統配置和操作相關的其他因素而影響處理速度。