ROG Strix Flare II Animate

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  • Tom's Hardware

    Editor's Choice Award

    The new Strix board stands out in a great way

    UNITED STATES 02/01/2022
  • OC3D TV


    If you have a need for your keyboard to match your motherboard, and you just can't get enough high quality lighting on your desk, then the ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate will scratch that itch like few others, and wins our OC3D Aesthetics Award.

    UNITED KINGDOM 01/31/2022
  • KitGuru

    Worth Buying

    f having a personalised gaming setup is your thing then the ROG Strix Flare II Animate is one of the best off the shelf keyboard options out there

    UNITED KINGDOM 01/18/2022

    Hardwarejournal Gold

    The ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate scores with great features, optimal ergonomics and a tidy key layout. All this makes it a recommendable gaming partner and excellent writing device.

    GERMANY 06/07/2023

    Gamezoom Performance & Technology 91

    High-quality and precise gaming keyboard with massive features! For enthusiasts and performance gamers, ASUS ROG delivers a more than successful keyboard with the Strix Flare II Animate.

    GERMANY 03/24/2023

    PCGH Top Product

    The Asus gaming keyboard offers a packed feature set, which includes an LED display for animation effects.

    GERMANY 02/26/2023

    Top Product

    The Asus gaming keyboard offers a packed feature set, which includes an LED display for animation effects.

    GERMANY 01/24/2023
  • Hardwareluxx

    Hardwareluxx Excellent Hardware

    ASUS can offer both an extensive configuration and some special features with the ROG Strix Flare II Animate. The dot display stands out at first glance. With its 312 white LEDs, it can display predefined or self-designed graphics and animations - and with a very unique look.

    GERMANY 12/16/2022

Video Reviews

  • Maherco Assembly #1: New Game 2022

  • I build a 5000€ Gaming PC !

  • WE REMAKE YOUR GAMING ROOM ! (ft. Guillaume)

  • I'M DOING AN €8500 SETUP CONTEST!!! 😱 (incredible)

  • Asus ROG Strix Flare II Animate Keyboard Hot-swappable Full Review | I Need This!

  • A marriage between mass appeal features (RGB and LED display) and modder basics (hot swappable switches) the Rog Strix Flare II Animate does a good job of satisfying both crowds.

  • 新発売されたおしゃれ過ぎるゲーミングキーボード【ROG STRIX FLAREⅡANIMATE】【自作PC/ゲーミングPC/デバイス】

  • 3万円越えの超高級キーボードの打鍵感がやばい.....wwww【レビュー】 |ROG STRIX FLARE II ANIMATE

  • In 10 years, you will see this gaming gear set !!!

  • Does this feature save the gaming mechanical keyboard? In the hands of Strix Rog Flare II & Delta S Animate

  • This keyboard is both FAST and POWERFUL!! (shocking, literal meaning) - Review of ROG Strix Flare II Animate

  • Review Gaming Keyboard with ROG NX

  • Review ROG Strix Flare II Animate moving lights! Custom can remove the switch! Gaming Keyboard of the Year 2022

  • In gaming it is obviously very good, the switches are very good and perfect for this area. Normally I prefer smaller keyboards because I need a lot of space on my workstation but I really liked its design and ergonomics. Spectacular switches, the animated animation is very nice and makes a nice impression on the keyboard. For writing spectacular. The price is not exaggerated for all the functions it offers.

  • These keys with a response time of 0.125 MS can be one of the sought-after features in competitive arenas. The sense of quality in our user experience was also at a high level. The responsiveness of the keyboard was really good, thanks to the wrist support, it minimizes the pressure on your wrist in long-term use.

  • It's pretty good in terms of design, I have nothing to say about its performance anyway.

  • PBT keycaps, hotswap, stylish design, lubricated switches, lubricated stabilizers and noise-absorbing foam. These are all signs of a good keyboard in 2022. However, ROG went further. They added a screen and an 8000Hz refresh rate to their keyboard

  • ROG Strix Flare II Animate is a good mechanical keyboard with many different features. It combines a stylish design, high response speed and convenient management of multimedia functions. It will easily become an indispensable accessory for any gamer.

  • Very high quality stabilizers, LEDs in the corner, multimedia buttons and scroll wheel - that's what I would want in every keyboard. I liked the Claymore a bit more, but the price point is more for the connoisseur. I liked the ROG Strix Scope RX the most, which also has water spill resistance and again, solid stabilizers and very good workmanship as well as a price to match.

  • I tested a high-end keyboard from ASUS. It's the ROG STRIX Flare II Animate high profile wired gaming keyboard designed for precision gaming.

  • how to change keyboard switches

  • ASUS ROG Flare II Animate

  • The surprise is the ROG Delta S Core, probably the best microphone I've experienced with Asus. I'm also excited about the ROG Strix Flare II Animate keyboard, I'll definitely be back to that one.

  • Video review from the Konsumer channel

  • Video review from FunFaceTV channel

  • Review from the channel ASUS ROG Baltics

  • At the end, a top-notch keyboard that has our warm recommendation.

  • 103 / 5.000 Резултати превода This is one of the few keyboards that ended up with two awards from my test! See why

  • As such, the ROG Strix Flare II Animate keyboard earned AX Advanced as well as AX Diamond recognition.

  • The wrist rest comes with the keyboard, is easily detachable and is of great importance, especially during long-term use of the keyboard.

  • The review from the channel Pakapak

Media Reviews

  • The Asus ROG Strix Flare II Animate is finally available in Malaysia. Featuring a hotswap PCB with a unique AniMe Matrix LED display on the top right corner of the keyboard


    MALAYSIA 03/22/2022
  • STRIX FLARE II ANIMATE 多樣化的個人設定可以讓鍵盤變成「屬於自己的鍵盤」,從燈效一直到敲擊感受都可以進行個人化的設置。


    TAIWAN 01/05/2022
  • ROG Strix Flare II Animate 有 AniMe Matrix LED 顯示器是增添了不少趣味性以及質感,也符合完整電競需求,軸體可換的好處就是可以依需求來替換某些區域上的手感,比如 WASD 希望比較輕一點或重一點,或敲起來比較有回饋感之類,當然還有就是如果軸體壞了也可以自己更換。


    TAIWAN 01/12/2022
  • Purchase guide of the best ROG Gaming gears


    FRANCE 06/02/2022
  • The ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate is a complete keyboard with an extensive feature set.

    NETHERLANDS 02/21/2022
  • 藉由在 Zephyrus G14 取得的經驗,將能夠顯示個性化資訊又帶有復古玩味的 AniMe Matrix LED 螢幕技術帶到周邊產品,使原本就相當優異的產品又更與眾不同,尤其是喜歡直播或與好友視訊,帶有 AniMe Matrix 的 ROG Strix Flare II Animate 肯定會成為好友與觀眾們注目的焦點。


    TAIWAN 01/05/2022
  • 因此,ROG Strix Flare II Animate的軸體應該算是「自由軸」才對,那麼解決了軸體問題,滾輪式與撥動式的多媒體控制介面,直觀且容易使用,也不存在占用鍵位的問題,AniMe Matrix LED顯示器的加入更是神來一筆,更加活潑的視覺效果,在RGB燈效中殺出重圍,讓ROG Strix Flare II Animate有了那麼一點高科技反烏托邦產物的感覺,打字舒適度問題?剛剛說了「自由軸」讓這個問題不存在了,什麼,你說手腕靠部的舒適度問題,ROG Strix Flare II Animate有腕托,所以解決了,想快速連結手機硬碟,機體前端也有USB 2.0埠,所以ROG Strix Flare II Animate當作本年度的開春之作根本是當之無愧。

    PC DIY!

    TAIWAN 01/05/2022
  • 不得不說,兩種燈效配合起來真的是很炫!鍵盤真的如其名,快要燃燒起來啦!不過有時候只是要專心打字時可能會覺得過於礙眼干擾,這時就可以把 AniMe Matrix 動態燈效給關掉,或是只要回饋操作圖示即可。鍵盤 RGB 燈效當然也可以隨時調整,若是夜間打字輔助可以調成綠或橘光,這樣會比較舒適!按鍵手感真的是沒話說,這就是 Cheery MX 軸的魅力,我覺得他在打字與玩遊戲間取得不錯的平衡,也不會容易吵到他人。


    TAIWAN 01/13/2022
  • ROG Strix Flare II Animate 機械電競鍵盤這次可說開啟了另一個新高度,不僅兼具了敲擊手感以及操作性,在外觀視覺效果上也透過 RGB 燈效以及 AniMe Martix LED 螢幕雙重加持帶來了更炫目的效果,如果正在尋找一把市面上頂級的電競鍵盤,ROG Strix Flare II Animate 機械電競鍵盤絕對是候選名單之一。


    TAIWAN 02/01/2022
  • キーボードにも「AnimeMatrix」搭載! 「ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate」レビュー

    Mynavi news

    JAPAN 06/07/2022
  • メカニカルキーボードの新型「ROG STRIX FLARE II ANIMATE」のライティングとアニメLEDに驚く

    ITmedia PC USER

    JAPAN 06/27/2022
  • The ROG Strix Flare II Animate has won us over. Everything from design and performance to materials and customization make it a premium mechanical keyboard. Its ease of use and extra control support make it the ideal ally for the heaviest challenges, whether work or in-game. Customising it is easy and fun and you can make it a truly unique keyboard that represents your personality.

    ITALY 03/09/2022
  • The experience and creativity of's professionals have been fundamental in assembling a PC capable of overcoming the challenges that increasingly high-performance games propose, with an eye-catching and customised style designed on the elegant and essential mid-tower ROG Strix Helios RGB ATX/EATX gaming case by Republic of Gamers by Asus.

    ADN Kronos

    ITALY 08/20/2022
  • ASUS is not revolutionising the world of keyboards with this Strix Flare II Animate. Nevertheless, the manufacturer can be proud to bring to the market a very complete device that has a few little extras.

    SWITZERLAND 02/07/2022
  • ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate is a solid keyboard that provides an unparalleled tactile sensation. I can sincerely recommend it for purchase to both professional players and just connoisseurs of high-quality mechanics

    UKRAINE 08/29/2022
  • The ASUS ROG Strix Flare II Animate not only lets you tinker with its RGB lighting, AniMe Matrix display and multimedia controls, but also offers interchangeable mechanical switches, advanced stabilizers and much more.

    LATVIA 03/30/2022