To clock some high-quality killing without decimating your wallet, check out this trio of unique, AAA-quality shooters!
An All-Star team consisting of three pro gamers and two community figures face off against a community team. Find out more here!
Lauren Scott took some time to talk about the current standings of the CS:GO scene, her view on the ESL ESEA Pro League, which players really impressed her and what hardware she thinks would make a difference.
Next stop the post-apocalypse. Please mind the mutated monsters and other assorted dangers.
Spring is looking up with a pair of games to get excited about!
Three years after BioShock 2, the franchise returns with literally lofty ambitions.
Graphics settings anxiety/joy sets in as Crytek finally give us the next performance-related meme. Yes, it's official, you may start describing things based on whether or not they can run Crysis 3.
"Shooter heaven, I'm in heaven.." - OK that may be in slightly poor taste, but despite some day-one technical issues I love BLOPS2!
Journey to a world where magic, steampunk and shooting people in the face all merge with incredible grace.