ROG Aethon 電競椅
ASUS Store 建議售價 NT$9,900 NT$12,900
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ROG Aethon 電競椅
ROG Aethon 電競椅採用全鋼材骨架、雙倍密度座墊、含2D軟墊扶手,並內建腰靠以提供最佳化的舒適性
- 人體工學設計:雙倍密度椅墊提供絕佳舒適性
- 絕佳支撐性:2D 軟墊扶手
- 最佳化姿勢:內建腰靠有助於維持健康的坐姿
- 優質打造:全鋼材骨架、強化版 PU 人造皮革襯墊和高密度冷硬化泡棉、四級氣壓升降,以及耐用的 PU椅輪,提供使用者優異的耐用性
If you're looking for a small, lightweight chair with interesting materials and design, if you don't care about the rocking mechanism and are not tall, this chair might be one of those you should sit in before buying.