How Well Will Mass Effect 3 Run On Your PC?


Our beautiful planet is currently being annihilated by Reapers.

Wait what?! The Reapers, aka the antagonist race of aliens from the Mass Effect saga are invading Earth right now. The photo above was tweeted by user @Editwithmouse "Reaper outside my window!"

This is all part of Bioware's plan to build up hype for the launch of Mass Effect 3 this week. They are using the Twitter hashtage #solcomms to create a reality where the evil Reapers have laid their eyes on our very own planet (rather than our future planet in the games). This has so far proved to be infectious as other Twitter users started tweeting away with fake news and tips on how to survive the impending Reaper invasion.

Hehe. . guess what? I am joining the fun too! 

Secondly: Can your PC run Mass Effect 3?

The above picture is an extract of the demo gameplay from Mass Effect 3. Typically whenever a new awesome game is released, you guys (me included) will manically search through the web to check for reviews and everything about it. The most important part in addition to the score will and always be "can my PC run this?"

OK, as an avid gamer myself and of course a Mass Effect 3 fan boy I scoured around for you guys and found that the lovely people from Toms Hardware Guide came up with an article detailing "How well will Mass Effect 3 Run On Your PC?"

So what are you guys waiting for? Go on and see if your current PC are able to handle the final part of this trilogy.

And if you would excuse me, I'm off to build a new kick-ass rig for my Mass Effect 3 needs. MarshallR, will you loan me this Eyefinity With An Affordable Gaming PC setup? Please?