DICE: Work On Battlefield 4 Expansion Packs Suspended Until Game Issues Resolved

Dec 05, 2013 Written by:ROG Article

According to a report from Polygon, it appears that DICE has suspended all work on Battlefield 4 expansions, as well as other projects, until all Battlefield 4 game issues have been fixed.

In an interview with Polygon, an EA/DICE spokesperson said that fixing the game is developer's "number one priority". While DICE and EA managed to fix some issues with the game, there are still a lot of reported problems and despite the fact that the Battlefield 4 China Rising expansion was in final stages of development, DICE decided to put its efforts into bug fixing before moving on future projects or expansions.

The same spokesperson also wanted to thank all the fans and players that are supporting Battlefield 4, and that they "will not stop until this is right".

Battlefield 4 on PC has already received an update on 3rd of December, while the Playstation 4 update was delayed. While China Rising was already released for some Premium Members the official release was scheduled for December 17th.

It is still not clear if there will be any delays to the AMD Mantle API patch that is also due this month.