ROG Team Super Pi Challenge [Oct 18 - Nov 17 2012]

To celebrate the formation of the new ROG Supreme OC HWBOT team it is only appropriate that we have a little benching challenge to get things really started. This challenge is only open to ROG Supreme OC members. Not a member of ROG Suprieme yet, join the team now. Register Here Submissions open - 18 October 2012 Submissions close - 17 November 2012 12:00 GMT And what better benchmark than Super Pi.

Challange wallpaper to use [click to load 1920 x 1080]: Super Pi ROG contest

The Challenge - ROG Super Pi Efficiency

  • Post your best 32 mil and 1 mil times.
  • Both submissions must be run at the same CPU frequency.
  • Memory frequency is capped at 2400 MHz. Not one MHz more.
  • Open to AMD and Intel users.
  • Submit results to this thread.
  • Both submissions are rated for efficiency and the efficiency rating for each benchmark combined.
  • The winner has the best efficiency total.


  • Air and Water cooling only, for memory and CPU - No sub zero cooling allowed.
  • A photo of your benching rig must accompany your submission.
  • Contest is only open to ROG Supreme OC team members - your entry must include your HWBOT profile link.
  • Submit results to this thread.
  • Each submission must have the wallpaper that Chris designed for this challenge.
  • Each submission must comply with the HWBOT rules for submission.
  • Each submission must have the motherboard tab of CPUz open.