ASUS has just launched its Xonar U7 USB sound device with headphone amplifier. While not ROG branded, the U7 has very clear audio at 114dB SNR, partly thanks to its Hyper Grounding PCB design (that was originally introduced on the Xonar Phoebus) and a 32 ohm-150 ohm headphone amplifier built in to pump up the sounds to your (Vulcan or Orion) headset.

It features the same technology capacity as modern  internal soundcards with 7.1 surround sound audio and 192KHz/24-bit HD audio and the latest Dolby Home Theater v4 that can upmix all audio to 5.1 or 7.1 output and use Dolby’s expertise in sound control over Windows' own.

The U7 has dedicated microphone and volume controls, which means even if you’re using a PC or notebook for gaming they are close at hand and quick to use rather than fiddling with software settings. Being USB powered means that it’s easily disconnected and used for a multitude of hardware: use it with your PC while at home, and then throw it in your bag with your notebook when you head out. Its built in S/PDIF out means you can also easily hook it up to a home theater amplifier as well.

If you're after a new USB sound device and would like to know more, give us a shout in the forums!

ASUS Xonar U7 with box