Check out who reigned supreme in the final round of the ROG OC Showdown competition and took home the trophies!
The last round of the Extreme Series of the ROG OC Showdown 2015 (and beginning of 2016) is about to kick off. Get your gear ready to compete for great kudos and prizes!
Who needs a 9000 series when you have Der8auer breaking the massive 8GHz on an FX8350 with the Crosshair V Formula! His SuperPi 32M runs falls in at 9 mins 26 seconds, breaking a new world record by some 13 seconds! Pics inside.
Andre Yang, a Core i7-3770K running at 6.992Ghz and the ROG Maximus V Extreme motherboard take the Super Pi 32M crown with a new world record of 4 minutes and 39.859 seconds.
You've seen Andre score yet another world record on the Maximus V Extreme with a 7GHz Core i7-3770K during the ROG Overclocking Camp in Berlin, now check out the full 74 picture event gallery inside!
At the ROG Camp in Berlin, Andre Yang has hit a new SuperPi 32M World Record of 4 minutes 42.656 seconds, for the Core i7-3770K at 7.013GHz (62 x 113MHz) using the ROG Maximus V Extreme motherboard and DDR3 at 2488MHz CL6.
More world overclocking records set by a Formula board. In other news, the sun is hot!