Winter warmers: the big games still to come

Even with 2017 just around the corner, there are still some excellent games on the way to take us to the end of the year. Here are four of the most graphically intensive games certain to keep you warm (literally, as your GPU will have to work pretty hard to get the best visuals – but don't try roasting marshmallows over your fan vents, for obvious reasons) in 2016.

Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2

To say Dishonored 2 is looking impressive is something of an understatement. The world is incredibly detailed – even the rats and Bloodflies have shadows, so expect this game to need some tweaking to get it running nicely. It's pretty demanding, with an i7-4770, 16GB RAM and GTX 1060 listed as the recommended specs. If you're slightly lacking on the GPU front, then something like the ROG Strix GTX 1060 will give you plenty more power than the average 1060 so you're not playing with the minimum requirement. You want your unfortunate victims to look their best before you freeze time and disintegrate them with lightning, after all.

Watchdogs 2

Watchdogs 2

The first Watch Dogs was a bit of a mixed bag in the graphics department, but the sequel looks to be shaping up very nicely indeed. Hacking your way through an open world San Francisco with your virtual smartphone is looking visually impressive so far, and the addition of a seamless multiplayer mode could really take the game into new territory. Hardware-wise, Watch Dogs 2 is not as greedy as some other games out there (Dishonored 2), but you'll still should have at least an i5, 8GB RAM and an R290/GTX 780 for the recommended settings. Obviously, surpassing these is a better idea, if you are getting that upgrade, don't forget to redeem this game for free!

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4

Frank West, arguably the world's worst photojournalist but best liberator of zombie limbs, is back, and set for a Christmas (well, December) release to coincide with the Christmas theme this Christmas. Nothing says Christmas like hordes of pallid-skinned undead, after all (true if you've ever left your shopping to the last minute). Smash, hack, shoot and bludgeon your way through Willamette, Colorado, and survive as long as you can. This one is pretty heavy on the processor, especially if you're looking at ultra. The recommended max specs are an i7-6700, GTX 980/RX 480 and 16GB RAM at least. It makes a good candidate for the ROG G20 or the upcoming powerhouse - ROG G31.



The only title on the list not from a major publisher, but that doesn't make Dreadnought any less exciting. Taking command of a sprawling spaceship bristling with guns and decimating the enemy in team based PvP already sounds pretty appealing, but add in some impressive visuals and we could be in for a real Christmas cracker (including the bangs, but without the nail clippers). Official requirements are likely to change as it's still in beta, but so far, an i7-4770, dedicated 2GB GPU and at least 8GB of RAM are recommended. Arm yourself with an ROG G752 or ROG G701 and you won't even need to know the specs.


By Simon Marshall