ASUS Open Overclocking Cup, Kiev, Ukraine

asus open overclocking cup In conjunction to the AOC eSports event also taking place in the (watch the live feeds until 16th), the Open Overclocking Cup is also taking place, with 12 top European extreme overclocking legends facing off against one another:

  • Aristidis (Greece)
  • Perica_barii (Montenegro)
  • Matose (Romania)
  • SF3D (Finland)
  • stummerwinter (Germany)
  • Xtreme Addict (Poland)
  • Smoke (Russia)
  • 12 (Russia)
  • cyclone (Ukraine)
  • T0lsty (Ukraine)

The audience can interact with the overclockers and there's also overclocking and a LN2 masterclass for ROG fans during the two days. For more info, hit the PR button below. We'll post an update with pictures from the event next week!