der8auer was at it again, determined to push Z170 and X99 where no one else has gone before. See the results!
Going from ROG Camp to competing against world-class overclockers can be intimidating, see how Bene11660 and Marc0053 did.
5 new world records and 5 global first places were set in one sitting (almost), how about that? Find out more here!
ROG Mars GTX 295 makes a comeback, pairs up with Maximus VIII Extreme as they clinch Global First Place in 3DMark2001 SE!
Anyone would be hesitant to attempt the sub-zero cooling challenge without getting all the facts first, so why not get a few pointers from one of the best in the business? Here's Dancop's guide in three steps!
A new version of Realbench v2.43 is now available for download.
Dancop and der8auer keep pushing the performance of Rampage V Extreme and Maximus VIII Extreme to new heights. Find out more here!
If you are lucky enough to own one of the latest Z170 motherboards, here is a simple step-by-step overclocking guide from Chino who is a guru from our ROG Forum.